Chapter 23 - Waking to reality

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(Jennie POV)

When I woke up, everything felt fuzzy and distant. My head still throbbed, but it was a duller pain than before. I blinked slowly, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The bright hospital lights above me blurred into halos, and my mouth felt dry.

"Jennie?" I heard Jisoo's voice first. She sounded so relieved. I turned my head slightly, squinting to see her, Irene, and Mom all gathered around my bed, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion.

"Where... what happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse and weak.

"You had a severe pain episode, sweetheart," Mom said softly, brushing a strand of hair from my forehead. "The doctors had to sedate you to help manage the pain."

Irene squeezed my hand. "You're okay now, Jennie. We're right here with you."

The door opened, and Dr. Chaeng entered the room, followed by a nurse. His expression was serious, concern evident in his eyes. "Jennie, how are you feeling?"

"Confused," I admitted. "And my head still hurts, but not as bad as before."

"We're going to run some more tests to check on your condition," he explained. "It's important we understand exactly what's happening so we can manage your pain and help you recover."

The nurse moved to adjust my bed, tilting it slightly so I was more upright. Dr. Chaeng began by checking my vital signs, listening to my heart and lungs with his stethoscope. He shone a small flashlight into my eyes, checking my pupil reactions, and asked me to follow his finger with my eyes.

"We're going to do another MRI scan to see if there's been any change in your brain since the last one," he said. "We also need to do some blood tests and a lumbar puncture to check for any signs of infection or other issues that might be contributing to your symptoms."

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