~MY perfect harmony chapter 1~

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Hey guys! I tried to fix the book and ig Wattpad had other plans! So let's remake this and make it as fun and memorable as possible!! Please feel free to leave suggestions, I love them so much!!

And send this to any JATP lover who CRAVES a new season!!



I shut the door on Nick, hearing a soft laugh, I felt confused. Why was he laughing? It made really no sense. But, I had bigger fish to fry. He changed after he left Carrie, and maybe he would now be the reason someone had a demon baby.

I smiled, setting the flowers on the countertop, I couldn't get over how the three ghost-ishs brought my life back to me, and made me find someone I truly loved in the process. I love music, and I love Luke, Alex and Reggie for bringing it back to my life. But I think my love is stronger for Luke.. but he is still a ghost. A ghost from '95. Why would I do that to myself.. I still don't know.

Flynn was on her way over, she wanted to console me, since she thought I just had my last performance with the phantoms.. little did she know they were in my garage, playing uno.. childish.. those boys are so childish.

I looked over at the fridge, letting the memory of Luke and me singing together for the first time. We did have perfect chemistry, didn't we? Even if I couldn't admit it to anyone yet, I was truly falling inlove with him and I didn't know how much longer I could hold it back.

But I also didn't know what the future had to hold for me.. and wasn't it crazy.

I heard banging on my front door, I slowly opened it to see Flynn, as a version I could have only pictured in a crazy dream. She was a crying, inconsolable mess.

She cried, "God, I just miss your hot ghost band already!!"

I tried to hold back a laugh as I brought her to the garage, but when I opened the door, I wanted to close it right back up. All three boys were lying on what seemed to be makeshift beds, shirtless.

I went to cover Flynn's eyes, not knowing if anyone could see them, but she ran right through them, sitting on the couch that Luke I had guessed just "fixed" because I watched him get up and gasp, I watched his arms flail, and his jaw drop.

"Can't she see how CLEAN it looks, and how fluffed the pillows look!! I know she is going through some girly crisis but I won't STAND for this!!" Luke cried out, before Alex forced him to sit.

"There, now you aren't standing for it! Happy?" Alex chuckled while Reggie just had the same expression of I guess shock on his face?

"So Flynn, you don't see anyone?" I questioned, looking at the three boys who seemed to have enough energy to fuel a city.

The boys grunted as they tackled Luke under him to keep him sitting, or anything but standing.

Reggie mumbled, "Luke man, put a shirt on."

Luke laughed, "Reg, I like freaky, but this is a freaky I really can't get into man!"

I mumbled, "you three are so weird.."

I guessed Flynn had heard me, she gasped, "WAIT ARE THEY HERE!!"

Her voice echoed like we were in the Grand Canyon and I quickly covered her mouth, nodding. That caused Flynn to get up and dance.

She yelled, "the hot ghosts live on! Now Julie can date one!"

My face became flush and red, I looked away, muttering.. this was gonna be a long day.


Once Flynn said she would date one of us band members, I began to feel hot, hotter than usual, and not the way I am used to.

I guess Alex noticed since he started giggling like he was a 5 year old girl who was hyped on sugar. He then, along with Reggie made kissing sounds, making something flutter in my stomach.

Until Carlos ran into the garage, yelling that it was time for dinner. That was the one time I was glad Carlos was here, I needed out of this situation.

An hour later...

Julie came back, and I had for the first time in 25 years, felt tired. We were becoming human like.. I began to believe we were turning human. Why would we be turning? I tried to keep my eyes from closing, sitting with the band and working with them on a new song we had been working on. The girl Flynn stayed, making it a bit awkward, but that's Julie's friend, and it's kind of funny watching her yell at us when she can't even find us.

Flynn eventually stood up and yelled in the opposite direction of us, "well boys, you better have mama some fire music!" She slightly danced while I covered my mouth, Reggie started laughing, slapping his knee like he was laughing at a girl's joke in order to get them to like him.

He laughed, "guys look, she is looking in the opposite direction of us!"

Alex looked at Reggie, "oh man, you should be so glad you can play base.. this is just embarrassing."

Alex covered his eyes, embarrassed for Flynn and Reggie, and now I was too. Julie stood there silently and watched her dance for a moment before saying, "Hey Flynn? Wrong way!"

Flynn turned around and yelled in our direction, "boys chop chop, as I just mentioned mama needs some good music."

I just got up off the couch, yawning before I took off my shirt, I could feel eyes on me.

But hopefully it was literally not all eyes on me.. because it felt more than 3 people.

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