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We ended up behind Caleb's club, Reggie jumping with excitement.

"We need disguises!" Reggie cheered, searching through the trash.

I watched him search, this was the dumbest idea I had ever seen. Caleb wasn't dumb like that. Right? I mean from how I knew him he definitely wasn't dumb, but definitely needed to work on his music.

Reggie threw a costume at me, a costume for a female.

I scoffed, "Reg, I am not built like a girl, if anything you are built more like a girl than me."

He replied, "well, I went through the trash therefore I pick the outfits, and you will look beautiful!"

I sighed, before changing into the outfit, I clinged to my sides and almost caused a burning sensation, before I had more time to think, Reggie threw me a wig that I looked in for lice, even though I new well I couldn't get it. I then placed it on my head.

He poofed us into a dark backstage room before he loudly whispered, "I don't see Caleb."

Before it all went black..


I sat on my bed, worried about where they had gone and if they were okay? What was that burn, and what did it mean? I wanted to talk to Flynn, but she was gone. On a plane to some foreign place.

I mean I could talk to Carlos, my younger brother but he would be no help and I can't put him in danger.. wait.. am I in danger??

I remembered the night Carlos found out  my "holograms" were ghosts for real-like it was yesterday (because it was 😗)


After I had finished with my ghost band, I decided to head back into the house for dinner. I ate slowly, remembering what Carlos said
"Don't ghost me."

What did he mean by that? I barely ate, wanting to know what he did know, or even worse, what he would say. I played with my food, looking at the empty plate beside me, I still really missed my mom.

I got up from the table soon after and cleared my plate, going upstairs, I paced just like Alex did. I think Luke called it "walking the runway." And I was possibly strutting better than Alex, but that wasn't what mattered. What mattered was what Carlos was about to say to me.

I heard a knock.

"Carlos is that you?" I questioned, stopping my pace.

"Yes! Now let me in!" He yelled before bursting in the room, sitting down on my neat bed.

I sat beside him, he quickly got straight to it.

"So how is your boy ghost band are they in here?"He asked, looking at me.

"Ghost band? Carlos, you must be dreaming? You mean the holograms!" I smiled, trying to keep my cool as I went to grab the fake projector out of my closet.

He scoffed, "Julie, I know about them. They are ghosts, from 1995. I looked up how they died. I know everything."

I looked at him, my eyes fearful. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him like a snow globe.

"You can't tell dad okay? He will send us both back to Dr. Turner, he will think we are crazy!!"

He sat there for a moment, I think I knocked out whatever last brain cells he had with the force of my shake.

"Okay. I guess you're right. But if I don't, I get to ask all of my questions," he grinned at me, sitting criss-cross.

"Fine. What do you want to know?" I questioned, still standing by my closet door, too scared to know what he was about to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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