teenage dream

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I've seen it in the movies. What boyfriends do to their girlfriends. They give them love; true love. The kissing, hugging, and... other.. cool stuff. Even though I'll never, ever admit it, I'm a sucker for romance.

I want him to love me. I need him to love me. I want.. him.

I just promised Luca we would have the best summer ever. I will do whatever it takes to give him the best summer of his life! I need to make this the best summer ever. I'll make him proud.

Luca stays at my house for the weekdays, and he stays with his family on weekends. 

For the past few years, it's always been that way. At least he sleeps in my room! He sleeps in a separate bed, but I guess sleeping in the same room as him is good enough.. We usually just talk all night until we fall asleep. I usually fall asleep first, because Luca has a hard time falling asleep sometimes.

I wish he could just sleep with me; like the first summer we met when we just met Giulia. The hideout wasn't too comfortable to sleep in, but at least we had somewhere to sleep.

As I snap out of my daydreaming, I realize that I'm holding Luca's hand and my face turns bright pink. Luca notices and just giggles. I look annoyed, but I secretly like it. 

There are a lot of things I don't like admitting: when I'm hurt, when I'm upset, and when I'm.. in love? I don't know..

"Come on, Alberto, let's get settled," Luca requests as he gets up and walks up the stairs.

I sit there for a few moments, and then I get up and walk up the steps.

Luca's bed is already set up, so we don't have to do much but let him unpack. I just sit on my bed and watch him.

"What is it?" Luca noticed that I was looking at him. Sharks.

"N-nothing," I stutter.

Luca just chuckles, "Okay," and gets back to unpacking. I notice that he's smiling a tiny bit. Does he.. like when I look at him?

I just lay back in my bed and stare at the ceiling, because it would be less weird to stare at the ceiling than to stare at Luca. I notice a slight bit of the ceiling paint is chipping.

I feel like asking him about school, if he made any more friends, or.. if he got a girlfriend. I want to listen to him talk for hours about what he learned, what he loved. I want him to just rant about the people he hates at school just to get it out of his system. I would listen to every single word.

Luca stops and takes a deep breath. 

"Alberto?" he asks. 

"Yes, Luca?" I reply as I sit up on the bed.

"Can I.. can I get another hug please?" he blushes.

I blush too. I sit there for a few moments, thinking of what to say.

"Of course," I end up answering.

Before I could think of anything else, Luca darts to me and hugs me so hard I lose my breath. I don't mind; I love it. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him. I feel all of the warmth from his body and I feel so comfortable. I don't want this to end..

Luca buries his face into my chest and then giggles.

"W-what's so funny?" I ask. My heart is racing and I can't think straight at all.

"Nothing," Luca starts. "I just enjoy listening to your heartbeat.." 

Okay now I can't think at all. I feel like screaming and jumping around, but I would look crazy. My heart is pounding even faster and I have a loss of words.

"Heheh.. cool," I blurt out. I sounded really stupid, and my voice cracked too.

Luca just laughs some more. Dio mio, that laugh..

"I'm sorry.." Luca starts as he gradually stops laughing. "You're just really funny, Alberto."

 Why does he keep doing this?? I'm so flustered right now, I can't think straight, and Luca. Oh Luca.. how I love him..

I take a deep breath... 

"Luca," I start. "Um.. how was school?"

"Good," he replies.

"Did you make any new friends or get a girlfriend?" I blurt out. I didn't mean the girlfriend part, that just slipped out. ... What if he thinks I like him? And that I'm weird and then I'll never feel the joy of a meaningful human connection?

"I did make a friend or two, but no girlfriend," Luca answers after a minute.

"Or boyfriend." he finishes, then he slaps his hands over his mouth, and his eyes widen.

"Oh.. heh. So you like boys?" I ask. That was a dumb question. A really dumb question. I know I'm an idiot, but I looked even more like an idiot here.

"Mhmm," Luca answers. He seems anxious. Saying you're attracted to the same gender is difficult, especially in a town that isn't as accepting.

"Haha! That's cool! I like boys too," I laugh. I look really stupid right now. Alright, he likes boys too, but he also likes girls. I just like boys. 

Okay, we both like boys.. that's cool. We have one more thing in common. 

But what if we like each other? What if we.. held hands and kissed. That would be cool.. not like it's gonna happen, but it would be cool.

"C-cool.." Luca utters.


"Cool," Luca smiles. That smile.. it's so heartwarming. When he smiles, I feel a rush of joy and warmth go through my body.

I think I really love him.

I love everything he does. I love how he immediately goes to me when he's scared, I love how creative he is, and I love those eyes of his..

Dio mio, I just wanna curl up and die. 

When I met Luca, I just thought he was some kid with anxiety, afraid of everything and is the "good kid". But he's way more than that; he's kind, caring, creative, and beautiful. He's so pretty it hurts.

I don't even know if I want him anymore.. I think I need him. Dio, what am I even saying?

Ugh.. it always goes well in the movies. I want a love like the movies.. but I wish it wouldn't be so difficult. 

I've always been dreaming of a love with Luca. Ever since we became friends, I've dreamed of his love, his touch, and his kiss. 

I'm 18 years old, and I don't have my teenage dream.



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