Heathers X Hazbin Hotel- Miss Red in Hell Pt. 1

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As Heather Chandler arrives in the gates of the underworld, she felt like the celebrity she is back in Sherwood, Ohio. There was an odd feeling that she never experienced during her life but "HECK YEAH! I'm bigger than John Lenon! Hello? You people don't know me?! Hope you won't force me to sing Kumbaya- wait, do you sing that in hell?" Heather shouted. The residents of hell kept their silence as they're stunned to see the resemblance of the new arrival to Charlie, the Princess of Hell and Lucifer's daughter. Some even murmured that if the two girls will look like carbon copies if they stand next to each other.

Unlike the residents, Charlie knows about Heather Chandler. She have read a newspaper from the world of the living about a teenage 'suicide', the girl choked on drain cleaner, it says on the statistics of US A Today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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