Chapter 2: Gossip and Fandom

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Despite Geoff's efforts to educate his fans, gossip about his relationship with Kiat continued to swirl. The media couldn't get enough of speculating about the nature of their bond. Every interaction between them was analyzed and scrutinized, leading to wild theories and rumors. Geoff knew that the truth needed to be set straight.

At a press conference, held in a sleek hotel ballroom filled with reporters and fans, Kiat spoke first. "Geoff and I are close friends, but that's all. I actually have a girlfriend, who prefers to stay out of the public eye."

Geoff nodded in agreement, stepping forward to add, "Kiat and I support each other, but we're not romantically involved. We hope this clears up any misunderstandings."

The revelation did little to dampen the enthusiasm of Geoff's growing fandom. The "Rosalation" spread across Asia, with massive followings in Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, and Taiwan. His Instagram followers skyrocketed, each country boasting over a million dedicated fans. The hashtag #Rosalation was trending, and fan clubs were forming in every corner of Asia.

Geoff's social media presence flourished, and he used the platform to connect with his fans, sharing glimpses of his life and work. He posted behind-the-scenes photos from his shoots, candid moments with friends, and updates about his foundation's activities. The Rosalation was more than just a fanbase; it was a community united by their admiration for Geoff's talent and character.

Geoff often engaged with his fans through live sessions, answering their questions and sharing his thoughts. One evening, during a particularly heartfelt live session, he thanked his fans for their unwavering support. "You all mean the world to me," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Your love and encouragement have made this journey possible. Let's continue to spread kindness and support each other."