Chapter 5: Overcoming Misunderstandings

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The rumors about Geoff causing the breakup between New and Ten were relentless. Social media was abuzz with speculation and accusations. Geoff found himself at the center of a storm he hadn't anticipated. Despite his strong resolve, the weight of the false accusations began to take a toll on him. Geoff's friends, especially Kiat, noticed his distress and rallied around him. One evening, Kiat, along with a few close friends from the Philippines, South Korea, and Vietnam, gathered at Geoff's apartment. They shared stories, laughed, and offered words of encouragement.

"Geoff, you need to remember who you are and why you started this journey," Kiat said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "The truth will come out, and people will see the real you." Geoff nodded, appreciating the support. "It's just hard, you know? I never wanted to be involved in this kind of drama."

Meanwhile, New realized the extent of the damage caused by the rumors. He decided to make a public statement to clear Geoff's name. At a press conference, New faced the media with determination. "I want to set the record straight. Geoff had nothing to do with the end of my relationship with Ten. Our breakup was a personal matter, and Geoff is entirely innocent."

Despite New's efforts, the damage had been done. The negative attention continued to affect Geoff's mental health. He found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his work, and the stress began to show.

Among those influenced by the rumors was Pete. Pete couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy over the speculation, wondering if there was any truth to the stories. Sensing Pete's unease, Geoff decided to address it directly.

"Pete, can we talk?" Geoff asked one afternoon.

Pete looked up, a mix of emotions on his face. "Sure, Geoff. What's up?"

"I know the rumors have made things complicated, and I can see it's been bothering you," Geoff began. "But I want you to know, there's absolutely no truth to them. New and Ten's breakup had nothing to do with me."

Pete sighed, looking relieved but still slightly uncertain. "It's just... hard not to feel a bit jealous, you know? The way people talk, it messes with your head."

Geoff nodded understandingly. "I get it, Pete. But I value our friendship too much to let baseless rumors come between us. You mean a lot to me, and I need you to trust me on this."

Pete looked into Geoff's eyes, seeing the sincerity. "I do trust you, Geoff. I'm sorry for letting the rumors get to me."

Geoff smiled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thanks, Pete. That means a lot. We'll get through this together."

With Pete's understanding and the continued support of his friends, Geoff began to feel more resilient. The path ahead was still challenging, but knowing he had people who believed in him made all the difference.