Chapter 6: A Recovery, Hiatus and New Beginning

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Kiat and Pete, along with other friends, took turns visiting Geoff to keep his spirits up. They reminded him of his achievements and encouraged him to focus on his goals. Kiat, in particular, was a constant source of strength. He often reminded Geoff of their shared journey and the reasons they pursued their dreams.

Geoff's fans, the Rosalation, also played a crucial role in his recovery. They launched a social media campaign, #StandWithGeoff, to show their support and counter the negativity. Messages of love and encouragement flooded Geoff's social media accounts, giving him the strength to keep going.

Slowly but surely, Geoff began to recover. He resumed his work with renewed determination, focusing on his acting projects and philanthropic efforts. His friends and fans had shown him that he was not alone, and their support gave him the resilience to move forward.

After winning his third Best Actor award in a row, Geoff decided it was time for a break. The past months had been incredibly challenging, and he needed time to recharge. With Pete by his side, Geoff announced a short hiatus from his career.

Together, they traveled around the world for three months, visiting picturesque locations and immersing themselves in different cultures. Geoff shared their journey on Instagram, posting live updates and photos. One evening, during a live session, Geoff made a significant announcement "Pete and I have been traveling together, and we've grown closer than ever. I'm incredibly grateful for his support and love. And I have something important to share with all of you—we are now in a relationship."

The fans watching the live session erupted in a wave of support and excitement. Comments flooded in, congratulating the couple and expressing their joy. Geoff and Pete's relationship became a beacon of hope and love for many.

However, not everyone was pleased. New, who had been harboring feelings for Geoff, was devastated by the news. He knew Geoff was back in Bangkok and decided to confront him. One evening, he appeared outside Kiat's apartment, causing a huge commotion. Kiat intervened, his voice firm and protective. "New, you need to stop this. Geoff has made his choice, and you need to respect it. If you continue to harass him, I will call the police." New, realizing the gravity of the situation, backed down. He left, but the incident left a mark on Geoff. It was a stark reminder of the complexities of fame and relationships. Geoff knew he had to stay strong and focused on his path.