Cuddles - 🎀

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● 3rd Person POV ●

It'd been a long nine days. Joel had gone skiing in Switzerland while Lizzie stayed at home with Meri. Nine days didn't seem that long - it was only a week and a bit, but it felt like forever.

Usually Lizzie didn't mind the solitude but this time she felt a little lonely. Now she eagerly awaited her husbands return, pacing back and fourth by the door - she just wanted a cuddle.

● Lizzie's POV ●

Today Joel comes home - he should be here any minute now. My hands are shaking as I pace back and fourth by the door - I'm not sure why, anxiety is getting the better of me. I've really missed him. These nine days have felt like an eternity.

I hear the engine of a car come up the driveway. Excitement bubbles within me and my hands start shaking even more, he's home. I hear him come up the steps and I yank the door open, making him jump a bit.

"Joel!" I shout as I launch at him - thankfully he had nothing in his hands. He catches me in his arms and gives me a soft kiss before placing me back on the ground.

I wrap my arms around him tight and snuggle into him.
"Well hello to you too Lizzie" Joel laughed while embracing me back - it feels so warm and safe.

I pull away but I keep hold of one of his hands and lightly pull him in the door and he gently closes it. He abruptly stops walking which causes me to stop too, I don't turn around,
"Lizzie...are you alright babe?"
I nod yes but still don't turn around. Before I had even registered, he stood in front of me looking concerned.

I was crying - I didn't even realise.
"Oh Lizzie" he said softly "What's wrong? Come on let's sit down."
He led me to the couch and we sat down, he was still holding one of my hands - trying to help calm me down.

"I-I'm sorry, I've just m-missed you so much." I cried
"Hey it's okay, don't apologise - I've missed you too."
He rubs my back and gives me tissues when I need them. I squeeze his hand even tighter and I feel a hum of warmth and security buzz through me.

I finally calm down and say,
"Can we just...cuddle here for a while? That's all I've been wanting for days." I shyly ask even though I know his answer. He gives me a soft smile and another feather light kiss,
"Of course, I can sort my stuff tomorrow." He replies.

He then lays flat on the couch and pulls me up to lay on his chest. I take a deep breath and smile - he's home, he's warm and he's damn bloody cute. I give him a long gentle kiss before burying my head in the crook of his neck, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. He rubs my back and combs my hair with his fingers.

I can feel his heart rate, it's slow, calm and relaxed. He settles his arms softly on my back, all I want for the next few hours is peace, quiet and cuddles.

End ♡
536 Words
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Jizzie Oneshots | LDShadowLady x SmallishBeansWhere stories live. Discover now