Happy Birthday To Me - 💋

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⚠️ Smut (obviously) ⚠️

● 3rd Person POV ●

Their friends stood before them and shouted 'happy 21st birthday Lizzie!' She was ecstatic, she'd never had a birthday party before.

They all went inside and had a great time; dancing, eating, drinking, doing karaoke. Joel had never seen Lizzie so full of life and that made him happy and content.

Eventually the party faded out and everyone had left, with Lizzie sitting in Joel's lap on the couch - her back snug against his chest and her head on his shoulder.

● Joel's POV ●

Lizzie and I are on the couch, everyone has left the party. Lizzie turned her head on my shoulder slightly and starts gently nipping at my neck with her teeth.

"Bored? The party's been over what, 10 minutes?" I said, laughing because her soft bites tickle.
"Mmm a bit." She giggles, grazing her lips over my jaw.
"Well..." I softly said, turning her around, making her face me on my lap and placing my hand on her upper thigh - rubbing up and down slowly, "We can't be having that can we?"

She giggles again - gosh how I love those sweet little giggles, and sits up straighter while slinging her arms around my neck so she can reach my lips with hers. I put my other hand on her lower back and push her closer to me to make it easier for her, she wraps he legs around my lower back as she kisses me, kisses full of want and desire.

I don't want to give her what she wants just yet so I gently pull my head back, her arms and legs still encasing me,
"You know.." I say quietly,  "We're all alone, we have this house to ourselves"
"Mmm" She blissfully sighs as I rub my hands up and down both of her thighs, teasing her.
"Why don't you say we...have some fun?" I whisper in her ear stalling, while stroking down her hips and around the soft curve of her rear.

She let's out a small moan of pleasure and annoyance, knowing that I'm making her wait for what she wants. I chuckle and pull her back in, kissing her lightly. My hands glide up and down her emerald green velvet dress that's tightly hugging her body while hers are around my neck and in my hair.

She moans in my mouth as I rhythmically caress her boobs through her dress, her beautiful dress that sits above her knee. I feel her arms falling limp around my neck and I take my chance, depending the kiss and pushing her onto her back. I feel her legs restlessly squirming beneath me, begging for me.

She's tugging at my shirt in a desperate attempt to get it removed. I give in to her demand and yank the shirt off for her. She pushes me down so she can be on top of me, still kissing me with so much lust and impatiently grinding her body against mine.

I laugh while she's kissing me, knowing that I still have complete control and that annoys her. I slowly sit up and she cries my name thinking I've had enough.

She gets excited as I unzip her dress and pull it off her. I pull her in close as she wraps her arms and legs tight around me, she thinks she's finally getting what she wants but she's not. I stand up and carry her towards our room. She's still kissing me anywhere she can reach while I'm walking and rubbing her ass.

● Lizzie's POV ●

He lays me on the bed, I moan at the loss of his lips on mine and the cool touch of the duvet on my scorching skin. He's hovering above me, he looks exceptionally hot under the soft glow of the blue led light in the room. He lifts me slightly to pull the duvet down the bed and lays me back down on the sheets.

He's looking into my eyes lovingly and teasing me even more. Frustration ripples through me as I shakily grab a hold of his belt and start pulling him down to me, craving his lips. He smirks, sensing my frustration and denies my want and kneels on his knees next to my legs. I'm still sprawled out on the bed, too dazed to pull myself up to him.

I hear him unbuckle his belt and toss it aside along with his pants. Within seconds he pulled me up and unhooked my bra, playing with my boobs while he playfully kisses me. Anticipation pulses through me as he slips my underwear off as well as his boxers.

I see his erection and it sends me,
"Joel!" I desperately moan, "Please!"
I try to push him down but he overpowers me and he ends up on top,
"Aww but, I had more I wanted to dooooo" he jokingly whines.

Him saying that was the last straw, I can't take it anymore and I put my hands on his back and start to push him down. He sniggers at my poor attempt to bring him to me as he finally pushes into me and passionately kisses me, catching my scream of pleasure in his mouth and consuming me.

He slowly thrusts in and out of me while his tounge manipulates my mouth and his hands circle my boobs. We're both moaning as I rock my hips with his rhythm.
"Faster...please" I cry out.
He delivers with fast paced thrusts and mesmerising kisses.
"Joel!" I cry as he hits the sweet spot.

He hits that same spot over and over again, getting similar reactions from me each time. After what feels like forever and 10 seconds at the same time, I feel him getting tired as he slows down his thrusts a bit.
"Lizzie" he gasps, "I'm gonna..."

He pulls out and finishes and flops on the bed beside me. We're both panting and he pulls me to him, giving me soft, sweet kisses while rubbing my back. My body still wants every bit of touch it can get as I snuggle into him.

"Happy birthday to me" I choke out between breaths
"Happy birthday beautiful" Joel replied, tightly wrapping his arms around me, "Was that the best present?"
"If definitely was" I giggled.

End ♡
1053 Words
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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