May I Have This Dance? - 🎀

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⚠️ Talks of drinking / being drunk (I don't know if that needs a warning but I'd rather be safe than sorry) ⚠️

● 3rd Person POV ●

Lizzie and Joel are at Oli's birthday party. Laughing, dancing, singing and just having fun. It was nice for them, having some time to not think about videos and just, living.

Everyone has had some drinks - some have too many. Lizzie and Joel had a few between them but were starting to get tired of being around everyone outside by the fire.

Bored of the drunken conversation by some of their friends they decide to 'grab some snacks' inside together. Of course, they were not after snacks - just a few minutes of peace away from the chaos of the party.

● Joel's POV ●

Lizzie and I started to get bored of Oli and Scott rambling on so I got us a ticket to a brief escape. I grabbed her hand and we started jogging across the cold, damp grass, heading towards the deck outside of Oli's living room.

As we walked into the living room a wave of heat hit us from the fireplace. I gently slid the door closed to break more of the noise from outside - we could still hear the music playing quietly.

We both breathed a breath of relief and exhaustion - we love our friends but sometimes birthdays can be exhausting. Lizzie is sitting on a barstool facing me on the kitchen - she looks so beautiful tonight, in her royal blue dress that went to just above her knee. The light she's sitting in makes the dress bring out her icy blue eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes I get lost in. Her hair in a high pony tail with her money pieces out - she's just stunning.

I find myself lost in those hypnotising eyes think about how absolutely, effortlessly beautiful my wife is.
"What?" She says, pulling me back to the real world "Does my hair look funny? Do I need to fix my make-up? What are you-"
I leaned over the bar and kissed her soft, gentle lips. I pulled away and smiled,
"You look absolutely drop dead gorgeous Lizzie." I replied "That's why I was looking at you, I became a victim of those beautiful eyes of yours yet again." She turned her head slightly and closed her eyes, she was trying to hide her blush,
"Not to bad yourself." She giggled, how I loved that giggle, makes my heart flutter.

The song changed and Don't Go Home Without Me comes on - her favourite song, it's a sign. I walk around the bar and spin her barstool so she's facing me. I offer her my hand and ask,
"May I have this dance Elizabeth?"
She giggles again and takes my hand,
"Of course!"

I lead her to the middle of the room and we begin swaying softly to the music, occasionally I spin her around. The light is dim here but I can still see her eyes sparkling, like the waves of the ocean. We're smiling and laughing together, simply living in one another's company. It's been too long since we've done this.

As the song fades out I tip her and give her a loving kiss that she melts into. I pull away and bring her back up embracing her. She sighs, knowing we should probably grab a bag of chips and go back outside.

We do just that and I open the door and take her hand again. She kisses my cheek and says,
"I Love you Joel."
"I love you too Lizzie."

End ♡
596 Words
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