Bring Back My Wife - 💬

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❗️Disclaimer❗️All text conversations will have colloquial (text / slang) language because texting is usually casual

● Joel's POV ●

Lizzie and Maddie went out to go shopping together earlier, I didn't realise it'd take this long. They did offer for me to go with them but shopping with those two is...chaotic.

I said I wanted to get some more work done so they went and left me to it. They've been gone for five hours - I've finished my work and now I'm getting bored. I'm texting Lizzie, I'll ask her when they're coming back.

Me : Hey, how much longer are u 2 gonna be

Lizzie 💫 : Aww, bored babe? 😋 Leaving in 20 minutes xx

Me : No, I'm not bored I was just wondering 🙄

Lizzie 💫 : Sureeeee...u never care how long I take shopping unless ur with me

Me : Well u do take forever soooo...I just want to show u somethin 😒

Lizzie 💫 : So cute when ur defensive babe, shoulda come with us then huh?

Me : Absolutely not! And I am not being defensive I just want to share something with my very cute, very hot wife. Is that such a problem?

Lizzie 💫 : Now I get the compliments too, someone's definitely bored. Miss me dont ya? It's only been what 5 hrs? Can u not cope?

Me : She says only 5 hrs like that's a completely normal amount of time to go shopping for 🙄 and fine, yes I do miss u, there u go, Lizzie's always right. Guhhh

Lizzie 💫 : Cute when ur defensive and so very very cute when ur mad about me being right yet again. Would a kiss when I come home make up for my 5 hrs? Would that make u so very happy?

Me : Yes, yes it would 😊 and I am not cute when I'm mad 😒

Lizzie 💫 : Whatever u say 😉😘

Me : So irritating

Lizzie 💫 : U love it, don't lie

Lizzie 💫 : Maddie says be patient 🙂

Me : Joel says bring back my wife 😐

Lizzie 💫 : So very demanding aren't u?

Me : Whatever 🙄

Lizzie 💫 : Leaving now 😘 xx

Me : 😊😘😉

End ♡
362 Words
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