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I eagerly ran toward the door to meet my Appa, who had just returned from a business trip. I had missed him so much.

Yn: Appa!

He turned around, smiling, and I rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly. He patted my back gently. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a girl in a floral dress with her hair down and wearing pink shoes. She looked sad. I was confused—who was she? But she was so pretty. I pulled away from the hug and asked, puzzled.

Yn: Appa, who is she? *pointed toward the girl*

Appa patted my head and took my hand, leading me toward her. He gently placed her hand in mine. My confusion deepened. What was happening? Who was she? Why was she so pretty? And why was she in our house? I couldn't help but notice she didn’t look Korean—she looked Indian, just like me. My thoughts were racing, and then Appa’s voice broke through them.

Appa: She’s your masi’s daughter, *said softly*

Yn: Masi? Mom’s sister’s daughter?

He nodded

Yn: But where’s Masi? It’s been so long since I last saw her

I said, noticing the sadness in his eyes. Why did he look so downcast? Suddenly, I heard the girl sobbing. Why was she crying? I didn’t know what came over me, but I felt the urge to comfort her. I wrapped my arms around her, and she clung to me, crying into my shoulder, her grip tight on my shirt.

I feel so bad for her. Just like me, she’s lost her mom. I only met Masi once, but I remember how kind and beautiful she was, just like my mom. But what makes it even sadder is that she has no one left. That’s why Dad decided to adopt her, and I’m completely okay with it. In fact, I’m happy about it because now I’ll have someone older than me to look up to. Plus, she’s Indian like me and my mom, so I won’t feel so far away from my mom’s homeland.

She doesn’t know Hangul yet, but I’m determined to teach her so she can feel comfortable here among Korean people. I want her to feel at home, just like I do.

Wow... Is this what happiness feels like? I’m so incredibly happy with her. We’ve grown so close, like she’s my soul sister, my soulmate. I’ve found my soulmate in her. These past two months of university vacation have been pure heaven with her by my side. I didn’t feel lonely, not even once.

Usually, during vacations, I spend time with my childhood cat bestie, but this time, I’m more excited to introduce him to her. If he’s rude to her, I swear, I’ll kill him! Wait a minute—they’re both the same age? Wow, that’s something. But whatever, I’m just so excited to introduce everyone to Di tomorrow. Yes, I call her Di—because in India, we call our elder sisters "Di."

And guess what? Even though we’re from different majors and she’s my senior, the best part is she’ll be in my Yoongi’s class. I couldn’t be happier!

yn: wow..di..uh are looking so beautiful...

uh are looking so beautiful

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My Sunshine❤️||Sope FF|| Min Yoongi|| Jung Hoseok|| one shot||Where stories live. Discover now