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It had been three weeks since you last contacted anyone. The thought of facing Di and Yoongi sent sharp pangs of guilt through your chest, and Hoseok—how could you even begin to confront him after what had happened? You used him. You really had s*x with him. The words echoed relentlessly in your mind, a cruel reminder of your cowardice. I’m too afraid to face him, you admitted to yourself, feeling the weight of your own shame. I can’t do it.

Now, your days blurred together in the quiet corner of the library, far from prying eyes. The last row of books, where no one ventured, had become your sanctuary over the past week. Here, you could disappear, let the world pass by without demanding anything from you. It was your place to hide.

But your mind wouldn’t stay quiet. It kept circling back to that one line from your friend’s book—the one you hadn’t even wanted to read. You didn’t like reading much, but that quote... it wouldn’t leave you alone.

“We are all fools in love. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

Nicholas Sparks, the author, had managed to put into words the very torment you were living. It was such a powerful line, cutting through your confusion and making you question everything. I’ve been such a fool for him. But doesn’t that mean I deserve at least one chance to show him? Your heart raced at the thought. Should I tell him how I feel?

The idea gnawed at you, consuming your thoughts. What if you told him? What if he saw the depth of your love, all these years of longing that had built up inside you? Maybe then he’d understand. Maybe then, he’d love you back. Di, you reminded yourself, your heart sinking, she made him fall for her... but why can’t I do the same?

Your love for Yoongi had been unwavering for twelve long years. It was a love so deep, you were sure he would fall for you if only he could see it. Yes, you thought with growing determination. I’ll make him fall for me. He has to choose me.

???: Yn-ieee!!!!!!!!

I turned back, and there they were—those beautiful, captivating cat-like eyes, staring right at me. Eyes that had the power to draw you in, making you feel like you could lose yourself in their depths forever. His gaze held a certain intensity, a quiet power, that made it impossible to look away. Every time I saw those eyes, it felt as though they could see right through me, into every hidden thought, every secret emotion I tried to bury. My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, it felt like time had slowed, leaving just the two of us

 My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, it felt like time had slowed, leaving just the two of us

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I noticed his hand, and in it, a delicate bouquet of pink roses. Did he bring those for me? The thought fluttered in my mind, filling me with an unexpected, foolish hope. He began walking toward me, and for a brief moment, I waited, my heart racing, thinking he was about to hand them to me. But instead, he lightly tapped my head, breaking the illusion.

My Sunshine❤️||Sope FF|| Min Yoongi|| Jung Hoseok|| one shot||Where stories live. Discover now