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After YN ran upstairs, he wandered towards his group of friends in confusion. His mind, however, was consumed by the echoes of your heart-touching words. From the moment Yoongi introduced you, he had been captivated. He admired your cheerful nature, your self-assuredness, and everything about you—the way you talked, walked, and smiled. He had silently admired you, too shy to confess his feelings, aware of the disparity between your affluent background and his modest means. He felt his love was pure and chose to keep it to himself, resigned to loving you from afar.

When you told him that his gift was precious to you, his world seemed to pause. His heart raced as his thoughts were overwhelmed by you. Then, as he was lost in these thoughts, a sudden pang of pain shot through him. Turning around, he saw you, a mess of tears. The sight of your distress intensified his own agony. Unable to bear seeing you cry, he ran towards you, but you had already retreated to your car and driven away. He followed you in a cab, anxiety gnawing at him, his heart pounding with worry.

You drove to a club, and he hurried in after paying the cab driver, desperately searching for you in the crowd. It was as if you had vanished into thin air. You had never before experienced such a profound sense of loss. You had always been at the top—beauty, exams, sports, dance—but now, the place you valued most, Yoongi’s heart, had been taken by someone else. That someone was a close acquaintance, someone who had now become the object of your resentment. She had taken not just Yoongi but your place in the university and your entire world.

You booked a private VIP room, desperate to find solace but feeling a void inside you. The alcohol you consumed in one go burned your throat, but it was a trivial pain compared to the torment in your heart. You continued drinking until the bottles blurred into one another, but even that failed to numb your pain.

As you were about to reach for another bottle, it was suddenly yanked from your grasp. Your vision, already hazy, cleared just enough to see a pair of concerned, angry eyes looking at you.

 Your vision, already hazy, cleared just enough to see a pair of concerned, angry eyes looking at you

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Your pain seemed to ease, unknowingly soothed by his worried gaze. Then, you heard his voice—a voice so familiar to you.

Hobi: What the hell! What are you doing?

Your bleary eyes struggled to focus, and finally, you recognized him—Hoseok. What was he doing here?

Yn: Wh...what are you doing here? you slurred, your words heavy with drunkenness.

You tried to stand but stumbled back onto the sofa. Hoseok hurriedly knelt beside you, his hands steadying your shoulders with gentle care.

Hobi: This place isn’t safe for you. Come, I’ll take you home

Instead of letting him help, you impulsively pulled him down beside you. The sudden motion threw him off balance, and he fell on top of you. The proximity made his heart race, the pounding in his chest almost audible. Your blurred vision blinked, trying to clear as you felt his warmth. He quickly tried to push himself off you, but you grabbed him again, pulling him closer. That’s when it happened—your lips brushed against his, freezing him in place. His heart seemed to stop, his mind went blank. All he could feel was the wild rhythm of his pulse as your hand rested on his chest, the other wrapping around his neck. He intended to pull away, but before he could, you began to kiss him—slowly, tenderly, with a calmness that contrasted the chaos in his mind.

My Sunshine❤️||Sope FF|| Min Yoongi|| Jung Hoseok|| one shot||Where stories live. Discover now