Chapter 8

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Life in the Zenin Estate was harsh, but after a few weeks, you had gotten used to the relentless bitterness. The constant tension, the whispers behind your back, and the cold glares had become a part of your daily routine. The heavy atmosphere weighed on you, but you had learned to navigate the hostility, finding comfort in the quiet moments when you could just be yourself.

One afternoon, while on your way to do the laundry, you overheard Zenin Ogi's angry voice echoing through the corridors. Curiosity piqued, you followed the sound and found him berating his twin daughters, Maki and Mai. His words were cruel and cutting, labelling them as disgraces to the family. Anger bubbled up inside you, and before you could stop yourself, you stepped forward.

"That's enough," you said, your voice trembling with rage. "They're just children. They don't deserve to be treated like this."

Ogi's eyes turned to you, cold and unforgiving. Without warning, he lashed out, striking you across the face. The force of the blow sent you stumbling, but you didn't fight back. Fear kept you still, fear of being accused ungrateful and rude, fear of making things worse for yourself and the twins. Maki and Mai watched in horror, unable to intervene.

After Ogi stormed off, the twins rushed to your side. Maki's eyes were wide with concern, and Mai's lips trembled as she tried to speak.

"Thank you," Maki said quietly, helping you to your feet. "You didn't have to do that."

Mai nodded in agreement. "We're relieved that since you married Naoya, he hasn't bullied us anymore. That's already more than enough."

You managed a weak smile, touched by their gratitude despite the pain throbbing in your cheek. That night, when Naoya returned home, he was immediately informed by Ogi about the incident. Annoyance flashed in his eyes as he stormed up to your shared bedroom.

He entered the room, his gaze immediately landing on the bruises that marred your skin. His expression hardened. "Why didn't you stand up for yourself?" he demanded, his voice sharp. "I don't want my wife to look weak."

You looked down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "If I fought back, they would say I'm ungrateful and mock me," you murmured.

Naoya's thoughts raced. He finally realized that it was his responsibility as your husband to make sure no one hurt you and disrespected you. Deep down, he was furious that someone dared to belittle you and worse, lay a hand on you. Only he could belittle you, and only he could hurt you.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within him. "Next time, tell me if anyone hurts you or talks down on you," he said, his voice gentler as he tended to your bruises. "I won't let them get away with it."

You nodded, surprised by his sudden kindness. Since that day, Naoya has been nicer to you behind closed doors. He tended to your needs, ensuring you were safe and comfortable. However, in public, he maintained his cold and harsh demeanour, not wanting to show any weakness.

Despite his behaviour, you noticed the subtle changes. He would stand a little closer to you, his eyes would soften when he thought no one was looking, and his words, though still sharp, lacked their previous venom. It was confusing, this duality in behaviour, but you couldn't deny the sense of security that came with his presence.

One evening, as you sat together in the privacy of your room, Naoya cleared his throat awkwardly. "I know this isn't easy for you," he said, his voice gruff. "It's not like I care or anything. I just... don't want you causing trouble for me. So I'll save your pathetic ass if I have to. "

You looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity hidden beneath his pride. "I understand," you replied softly. "Thank you."

Naoya turned away, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Yeah, well, don't get any weird ideas. Just... remember you're not alone in this."

The days passed, and you found yourself relying more on Naoya. He became a silent guardian, watching over you even when he pretended not to care. You still faced challenges and still dealt with the harshness of the Zenin clan's men, but knowing that Naoya was there, ready to defend you, made it a little easier to bear.

And slowly, ever so slowly, the walls between you and Naoya began to crumble. Naoya's harsh exterior was a shield, a way to protect both of you from the unforgiving world you lived in. But behind closed doors, in the peaceful moments you shared, you saw glimpses of the man he could be-a man who cared, even if he couldn't admit it.

In those moments, you felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things would get better.

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