Chapter 2.

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Roxy's alarm went off, she slowly woke up to see that it was 9:30 in the morning, but she simply turned off her alarm, put her phone down, and rolled over to get back to sleep, Roxy Puckett was not a morning person, and that morning she was particularly tired, since she'd been up all night making graffiti art encouraging people to support equal rights, Roxy didn't want to be bothered by anyone that morning and just wanted to enjoy the peaceful bliss of slumber.

Roxy's peaceful state was interrupted by a knock on the door, she didn't answer and just tucked herself further into her duvet, then the door slowly creaked open followed by somebody climbing onto the bed and shaking Roxy's still form, "hey, hey Roxy..." a slightly high pitched male voice whispered, Roxy sighed, knowing who this was, "go away, Toby...I'm still sleeping..." she groggily told the young boy. "Aw, come on! It's time to get up!" Toby whined, "and if you don't wake up, everyone's going to take all the breakfast and then you'll have to do all of the shopping, which won't be good because-" "alright, alright, I'll get up", Roxy frantically told the young boy, she knew Toby had ADHD and tended to be very hyperactive and talk endlessly if he couldn't help it, so she playfully pushed Toby off the bed and told him to get out of her bedroom so she could get changed.

Roxy got dressed in a black leather jacket with dark jeans and a grey shirt with a black skull on it, she headed into the kitchen where she found all of her housemates eating their breakfast, Roxy lived in a group house with one other girl and five boys, and they all got on well despite sometimes getting into fights and arguments on occasion. Roxy cherrfulyy greeted her housemates with a "good morning, all!" when she heard one of her housemates, Jack, growl "fuck you, Brian!" She turned her attention to see two of her housemates arguing, "oh yeah? Well don't hog the bacon, you selfish wanker!" Brian barked.

"Guys" Roxy tried to interject, but Jack and Brian didn't hear her, "I mean, you've already eaten today, you fat fuck! Why do you need another bacon and sausage sandwich??" "Because I'm still hungry, and so says the one who's always consuming cheesecake with little Timmy!" Jack remarked, "hey, don't call me that!" Another housemate, Tim, called, Toby wasn't even paying attention and shouted "I call dibs on the waffles!".

"Guys! Calm down!" Roxy bellowed, everyone looked over at their housemate, Roxy approached Jack and Brian and placed an arm around each shoulder, "it's too early for this, now why don't we at least try to get along, okay?" Jack and Brian looked at one another and both begrudgingly said "fine!" At the same time, Roxy patted both Jack and Brian on the shoulder and said cheerfully "good! Now, why don't we share what remains of breakfast, okay?" "Okay" Jack grumbled, "I guess I could share if Jack does..." Brian muttered, Roxy beamed and proclaimed "right, let's make bacon pancskes, huh?".

After breakfast, Roxy went into the living room to find her other housemate Ben playing a video game and losing badly at it as he was puffing a substance that looked like weed, "Ben I told you not to take drugs anymore!" Roxy told the young blonde boy irritably, Ben put the controller down and smiled up at the young woman, eyes bright red with blood vessels pulsating, "hey.'s all chill here, come over here and I'll let you have a puff!" Roxy rolled her eyes and went into a hallway where she bumped into the one other female house resident, trying on a new dress.

"Sally! Hey" Roxy exclaimed in surprise, Sally beamed when she spotted Roxy and enthusiastically squealed "hey Roxy! Like the new dress?" She posed in front of the baffled Roxy who noticed that Sally was wearing a red and white polkadot dress while her brown hair was put up in a bow, "it's...good" Roxy commented, not knowing what to say, Sally was always wearing a new dress every other week that she either designed or brought, Sally noticed Roxy's tone and nonchalantly remarked "yeah, it does look too animated...I'll go and change!" And with that, Sally skipped off cheerfully.

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