chapter 4

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Are you ready baby" Daddy asked me after our dinner done. Now it's his surprise time

" Yes daddy more than anything" I said my hand is in his hand.

Daddy open the door of room making me gaps in such a beautiful view. It has glass roof where I can see whole sky with starts .we are at the top of the floor. There was no walls only glass and dim light of candles in room. There was big king size bed with rose petals in center of the room.

"You like it baby" daddy asked coming behind me giving me back hug. I leaned more in his touch. Soon his hand find zipper of my gown.

"Are you ready" He asked playing with zipper.

"Yes daddy" I said taking deep breath.

"Do you like today's arrangements" He asked opening zipper of my gown.

"Yes daddy, I loved it" I replied while leaving my gown on floor only in my blue pentis

"This is nothing baby, After tonight we are gonna spend our all night like this you beneath me scream my name, coming in my mouth, on my d**k, that you gonna love every moment. I am going to f**k you hard baby so you can feel youself full whole day with my d**k" he said while removing his all cloth only left in his boxers.

I was standing near bed looking my daddy first time without cloth only in his boxers. He came near me lift me from floor in bridal style making our way in bed. He laid me in center of the bed and hovering over me.

"Baby you gonna love this" he said and took my lips in his mouth exploring my mouth till I can't able to breath..

"Baby I can't be gentle with you, I want you like anything. you don't know how much I waited for you to turn sixteen so I can make a move to have you and make you mine. I have seen to baby to being a women. your curves making me crazy baby. whenever you are near me kissing on my cheek, trying to seduce me I was getting hard that movement. I have take countless cold shower at nigh after listening your moans. Now i can't think I can be gentle with you when you are beneath me waiting for me to f**k you and make you mine" he told me with love and lust filled eyes.

"Mak me yours daddy" I said with smile giving pack on his lips.

His eye darken with desire he started giving me hickey all over my shoulder, my neck following my chest. He took my t**s in his mouth taking his time to make them bloody red to fill his lust for me. I was moaning mess under him.I was in different world feeling each moment with him.

He left no place in me. He marked my upper body with his possessive marks. He come to my stomach started giving wet kisses playing with my navel and sucking my whole stomach giving red marks everywhere and I know it all marks will take a week to come in again normal skin but I like his roughness. The way he is playing with my body. He was going down to my hip. He put his hand on my waistband ripped my pentis and his sudden action made me gaps."Sorry baby girl, I can't hold more to see your sweet p***y" he said and started giving kisses and sucking on my pelvis while his fingers playing with my sore n*****s making me whimper. The pain giving direct pleasure to my clit.He came between my legs taking big lick of my closed wall.

"D.....daddy" I was moaning mess under him.

"Don't worry babby, you gonna love this" he said looking at me still in between my legs licking my wall, His hand on my inner thighs and I nodded.

"you are so beautiful and your p***y is mine and it's f*****g only mine" he growled and started sucking my clit. something churn in my stomach I feel like I want to pee.i had done masterbating but never feel something like this.

"Daddy I need to pee" I cried out

"Baby you are coming for your daddy, Just come Princess give ur daddy your sweet honey. your daddy can't wait to taste you whole baby".

Hs dirty words done something in me and I came really hard in his mouth.

"That was amazing daddy, Thank you" I said while catching my breath.

"Naaah princess more amazing things are still pending." saying this he removed his boxer showing his 10 inches d**k which is soon going to be inside in me

"Daddy you are so big, I can't be fit for you" I said shock visible on my face.

he chuckled on my reaction and said "you gonna take whole your daddy princess"

he settled himself between my leg and booked into my eyes and said "I was waiting for this moment Princess" He whisper in ear giving goosebumps.

"D..daddy" I stuttered.

"shhhhhh.. baby, you trust me right?" daddy asked.

"Yes daddy" I replied with closed eyes feeling his hand on body roaming everywhere making me more wet for him.

he kissed me hard on my lips while mixing our pre-c*m at my core. He started pushing himself in me. He pushed his mushroom size d**k head inside me and it went only half in me and I cried out it's like slicing me in two part. He was still half inside me.

"Relax baby" He said kneading my breasts. He pulled little and again pushed hard and now he was full inside me giving me.

"Daddy.." I said crying hard. The pain was unbearable. He was still inside me giving me time to adjust his size and after sometime I started moved my hip. and he also start thrusting gently into me.

"Mine" He said kissing my lips while thrusting few time gently giving me to adjust his length inside me.

"Now you are mine Rose" he thrusted hard touching my G-spot.

"You are mine to love and mine to f**k princess" he again thrusted deep in me.

"Now your daddy is gonna f**k you hard whole night and baby you can't gonna walk properly for whole week" He said and thrusted hard touching n my p***y making me to see star in my own world.

he continued penetrated in me taking his time again sucking life of my nipples.i felt again something churn in me my stomach.

"Daddy I am com.... coming" I cried out.

come on your daddy's d**k princess" he said and I come hard on his d**k.

He again thrusted three to fourth time and with growled he come hard inside me and laid on my body.

"I love you daddy" I told him with teary eyes.

"I love you more Princess" he said still inside me and took my lips for his passionate kiss.

"Baby I don't want to use condoms with you ever I always want you feel bare and if you want you can take pills and not I don't have problems making babies with you" he said with so much loves in his eyes.

"Ohhh daddy I loved to having your babies in my stomach. Please fill my stomach with you babies daddy" I said with big smile on my face.

"So we can call this vacation as our Pre honeymoon baby" he said with blink and kissed me hard taking my breath away and start f*****g me again. he is going to complete his promise f*****g me whole night.

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