chapter 24

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" It's dark daddy where are we going" I said looking dark sky only moon light was available.

" Don't worry, It's safe forest made by humans no animal is here and I will plan to have few animals here when we have our babies so they can play with them" He said taking me don't know where.

" Princess I don't want your periods next time" He said sternly like I asked for my periods.

" Daddy...It was not fault" I said like wishper.

"Princess don't be sad, I said because it's hard to stay way from your p***y for long time" He said kissing my forehead.

"I thought you are blaming me for baby" I said looking his jaw line.

" No princess, I can't blame you. It was nobody fault and we will try. do you want to stay here more" He asked.

" Daddy school" I asked back

"Me or school" He asked

"Daddy you are important but you also have business to manage and till I not showing I want to continue school after I will do online. Please I want to study" I said. He stop from his track.

"We will talk about once you get pregnant, Ok?" He asked and I nodded.

I want to complete my school and also want to go college but having baby is daddy happiness. I was completely in my world thinking what can I do to make both things happened without any problem.

"We are here" daddy said breaking my train of thoughts.

"It's cave" I said looking cave which was near waterfall.

" Is this same morning waterfall?" I asked looking at him.

" Yes let's go inside" he said taking my hand.

" But daddy it's cave" I said little bit scared.

" Princess.... beast stay in caves only" He chuckled.

" Princess it's humam made forest that's why I brought this with highest price" He said lifting me from the floor. I was on his shoulder and his hand roaming on my ass.

" Daddy but still it's cave" I said looking surrounding. It was completely dark alley. I clenched tightly daddy's t shirt.

" Princess close your eyes now" He said spanking my ass.

"Ouchhh" I said when he spanked

" Do it if you don't want me spank your ass more" He said and I did.

"It's already dark, I can't see anything" I said with my closed eyes.

"I know but still it's suprise" He said. I heard sounds of rock moving.

" Daddy.... earthquake" I said horrified and opening my eyes.

"Hahaahah" he laughed and spanked my ass again.

" Don't you think you just owe punishment " He asked caressing my ass.

" But why" I asked looking surrounding like a premium suit of five start hotel.

" You opened your eye without permission" He said while squeezing my ass.

" Sorry Daddy it was just moment I felt we are in danger" I said while he help me to stand up me .

"My Beast want to punish you princess" He said claiming my lips.

Author Note

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