CH 2

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Ahhhhhh god what would I wear for today's party “ magnus was so confused about today's party why not it's after all his sister's parabatai ceremony. He knew how special this ceremony could be .It's special feeling for a person to feel your parabatai.Its a completely different feeling to feel your other half . And about magnus he loves this feeling because he can feel alec through this bond through their bond . Magnus loved this bond but it also scares him for the future ,he still can't find his way to escape from this .

He was so drew in his emotions that he failed to notice that someone was watching him from behind he turned his head and saw Alec , he was watching Magnus from doorway

“Need help” alec asked
“No you know what it's wrong to leave your other half in this situation ohh god what I will wear “ magnus said annoyingly made alec smiled at his words
By watching Magnus's condition he took a suit it's a maroon colour with  black shirt beneath
“What about this? Alec said and put the suit before magnus. Magnus looks at himself in this suit with Alec in the mirror.
Alec turned the suit and checked it from different angles, this situation brought goosebumps on magnus skin ,his  smell , his breath, his small touches , his alec's presence isn't helping him which made him wrap alec in his arms . It's the same with Alec for Alec being so close to Magnus brings paradise to him .
Magnus back touched Alec's broad chest which made Alec's heartbeat faster , he wanted to close to his magnus but he knew his limit, sensing this situation alec said
“Yes it's right you will wear this suit for today's ceremony it's right option”
“Ye yeah it's right thank thank you alec “ magnus smiled
“ My pleasure” alec said and smiled,he went from magnus's room to downstairs leaving magnus with another type of confusion feeling
The New York institute is very busy . Since it's a special ceremony. Alec Lightwood the inquisitor wanted no fault in it ,so he perfectly managed all the things he still remember his parabatai ceremony with magnus,it's about years ago but for alec it's always his one of the special memory he thought it's better to be with his sister so he heads towards Izzy ‘s room .

Izzy was sitting on the couch,she knew it's normal to feel nervous but after her hundred times of trying the nervousness is still there .
“hey nervous little sister it's okay, nothing would go wrong believe yourself “ alec tried to calm her sister
“I know alec everything will go right just as planned but I just can't explain this feeling what happens if I can not handle this whole thing you understand what I'm saying huh.  “ Izzy said
“Yes I understand but I also know that you will rock it you are a perfect sister and you are perfect for Clary believe me “ alec replied
Clary and Izzy both were standing within the ring fire , looking into each other's eyes ,holding each other's hand firmly.
They together said
“ Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee - for whither thou goest ,  I'll go , And thou lodgest , I'll lodge, thy people shall be my people , and thy God my god ,where thou diest , Will I die , and there will I be buried
The angle do so to me , and more also , if aught but death part thee and me “
After take the oath they placed the parbatai rune on each other's skin , Clary smiled at Izzy,Izzy nodded at her reaction and returned the smile

The whole gang was sitting on the couch, magnus Izzy Simon on the one couch and alec ,Jace and Clary on the another couch Stefan was there with them too on the chair .

“Soo how are two feeling at right now excitement, nervousness or happy “ Simon curiously asked

“ Wait wait Simon enough “ Izzy said with smile
“No I'm just ,you all know nah about my curiosity it's umm ok I can't explain “ Simon said
“ Well I'm very happy you will also know this feeling when you get your other half too “ Izzy said and hold Simon's hand
They are dating each other from two years and now they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend , they love each other lot it's same with Clary and Jace they started to love each other a few years ago but they confessed each other a few months ago . This relationship is like a rollercoaster for them no relationship is perfect since you have to be with each other in sorrow as well as happiness

“ so what about you magnus do you dating someone or not “ Jace asked
“About me no not at right now I'm still waiting for the right one and in my opinion it's good if you wait for the right one your right one will obviously come to you “ magnus replied bring a tiny storm of curiosity inside Alec's head and also Stefan's
“Stefan what's your thoughts in this Matter “ Clary asked since Clary is notice Stefan from few months something is there something is fishy so he wanted ask Stefan

“ I don't know I have never find love in my life so I don't what it feels like but from few months few things are clear to me and I'm here in front of you all waiting for that person” he said and looked at magnus which made alec to being uncomfortable alec still don't know why it happens with him . He feels like a third wheel at now so he get up and said
“ can you please guys give me some space I want fresh air “ and started to go towards balcony it hurt magnus because he thinks that his words hurt alec .It's not his intention since  his word's intention is always Alec's happiness so he doesn't want to hurt him , understanding this situation magnus approach alec

Alec understand that someone is behind him he turn his face and meet magnus,
“Hey what's happened “ alec asked
“Just wanna give a company “ magnus replied in which alec chuckled at his words
“I love this ,this peaceful evening ,it feels so relaxing “ magnus smiled
“Yes you know what, I'm amazed with the fact that it's been a long time since we  saw any demon “ alec said
“Looks like you are in the mood for a fight , or they knew that New York's new inquisitor is you ,one of the strongest shadowhunter in today's world “ magnus said in a sarcastic way .
“ Thanks for appreciating and no I'm not in the mood to fight ,it just feels like for the first time New York is in peaceful condition that scares me “ alec said
Magnus feel Alec's fear through their bond so he rest his hand on alec's hand and said
“Whatever will come we would fight together hmm “ magnus said
Alec changed the topic and said
“You know I think you should date someone” alec said
“And why you feel like this “ magnus smiled
“I just ummm you are beautiful no one will ignore you if you date someone you are freaking bane “ alec said
“You know what alec outer beauty isn't cup of my tea but you can at least try you are the perfect definition of tall dark and handsome “ magnus replied which made alec blush at his words
“Just relax alec right now for me you are the one and you will also be the first who come to know “ magnus said , alec looked at him and their eyes met . They know that they are made for each other but being parabatai of each other it's not easy but Alec knows that if you love  anyone then you have to fight for that one and he is ready to fight.

TBC 💜💜💜

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