CH -5

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After bringing the corpse to the lab and hearing of the devastating Mosque institute’s accident , the institute is busy finding the root of the whole thing. Unfortunately they still couldn't find a single thing about the whole consequences but they are very stubborn in finding the reason of why and who .
The whole New York is also living in peace while the other institutes also . So it's normal to think that everything is fine. They know that the quality of peace is only for now , they have to be prepared and they are ready to fight with anyone for their family.

They found some evidence about that mysterious murderer. Like he is immortal, powerful and most important and archangel but question is hiding in here why an archangel do such things like murder, punish or maybe reign . But like humankind it's mixture of good and evil it same goes to the archangel too but if that murderer is archangel then clave is hiding something very important things from them but they still not sure, they want more evidence to connect the channel between that murderer and clave .

And about other institutes then they are safe. Luke went to the mosque a week ago and according to him the shadowhunters couldn't see their faces. They said that they had covered their faces with large hoodies , they were all hooded . There's bad news also that the institute lost its most braveous shadowhunters too . And other than this news all are not necessary.
Even the inquisitor is very afraid to say anything and from this behavior anyone can tell that the attack was very dangerous.The New York institute doesn't want this cruel fate for this specific reason they are ready to fight with anyone, they are already alert .

Hey mags, did you still find something about the attack or the murderer “? Jace asked

They all are in a lab ,busy to find anything they get suitable support for their answer but still fate doesn't give a single thing to them with Magnus and Jace Clary , Izzy , Simon and Stefan are there while Alec is busy with important documents in the office.

“no still no and I don't think we get something important “ magnus said disappointedly (he is finding too much that his head started to migraine )

“No no don't tell this we have to do something as soon as possible our institute is safe it doesn't mean that he doesn't attack us “ Jace said

“You are right and this is my fear we have been finding the records but even records are fill with some normal thing there's nothing to suspect just crystal and clear “ Clary said

“Is it only about new York “ Simon asked

“Yes Simon the whole information of attack is blank “ Clary said and breathe heavily

“I think we should find about other institutes also specially mosque , London and California” Izzy said

“Yes that's the good thing we should do this we have to do this “ Stefan said

“and you all thinks that it's easy to do “ magnus asked

“Yes new York never shares the other institutes’s information, they keep always hidden the whole important things it's not gonna be easy “ Izzy said
Since New York is one of the most disciplined institutes, they always keep safe the important things related to war , attack, murder and past news of the institute and Imogen Herondale is the owner to keep these things. And without showing the perfect reason to get those information they won't get thos

Do you think that mrs Herondale will give those things to us only to do search” Simon inquired

“We should talk to him “ Izzy

“No we shouldn't alec should hence he is the inquisitor it's highly possible to get the information” magnus said

They quickly agreed to his opinion.
While magnus goes to the Alec's office, he is so busy to think that if alec doesn't agree with them , and if alec agree then Imogen will or not with so many in his mind he entered the office

“Ohhh magnus come I'm waiting for forever ,do you all find something” alec asked without breathe

“Relax alec we are trying very hard to get some information but that's not enough” magnus said (he tried so hard to convey his opinion but he also don't want to pressure him after all he is human too )

“What do you mean do you need something more tell me mags I'll give you “ alec asked (he hoped that now finally they got something to useful)

“We need records of everything about our friendly institute “ magnus replied

“What it's so hard you know even I  don't know anything these all handled by mrs Herondale but you don't worry I will talk to her ,try to convince her “ alec said

“Yes please alec it's so important we have to find those records before something happen” (he said and notice that he hold Alec's hand , he quickly pull those hands )

Alec smiled,he made sure that it's not a big deal . Magnus looks at him one last time then he heads towards the lab

“No it's not possible you even think for a single second that I give permission to have thoss important information  to you because of your searching for this whole incident “  Imogen said

“I know I know that without the permission of all those institutes we can't have their information,but it's not about any particular institute it's about the whole shadoworld “ alec replied

“And you said without any evidence just for one's intuition I can't give you all the information no never“ she answered

“And what happens if that intuition goes right, what happens when an archangel really destroys everything and after all that happens you still say that you can't give all that information for one's intuition huh “ alec said annoyingly

“Okay but in one condition “ she said

“Say it “ alec said

“You have to hide this thing from all those institutes means you have to do it in a perfect and fine way no one will know about this hmm “ she said

“I promise this will be secret between us no one will know I promise thank you mrs Herondale “ he said ( he is very happy,after tried a hundred times Imogen finally give them consent)

“Don't thank me you are like Jace to me just remember that it's gonna be little secret hmm you understood “ she said

“Yes, that's gonna be a secret “ he said and nodded , heading towards the lab to share this good news.

They all are busy , finding proper information that helps them without any trouble. At that moment Alec sees a person named Victor Blackthorn . From his records one thing is clear that he is shadowhunter and he was the inquisitor of London once . His intuition says that he finally finds the perfect information, he goes deeper and deeper than he finds that this guy is related to weapons, not with the normal weapon,but the angelic weapon,and those weapons can be held by archangels because of their very powerful aura .

“Got it finally got it “ alec said with smile on his face

“What you got “ magnus asked

“Look look this guy named Victor,his records says that he was related to archangel’s weapon” alec said

“Yes he was incharge in this matter” Izzy said (after searching more details)

“I think he is the man who has the answer for our question don't you think it's time for a visit “ Izzy said

“And the plus point is that he is still alive. He is retired from ten years ago but surely has all the information about that suspicious murderer” Jace said

“Yes, he still lives in London “ magnus asked

“Yes he is we shouldn't waste a single second,we will go for him tomorrow morning okay be prepared “ alec ordered ( in which everyone nodded at his words they hope that tomorrow they will find their answers )


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