Ch -13

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Jace sat on the edge of his bed, his gaze fixed on the floor as he fiddled with the laces of his boots. Clary leaned against the doorframe, her eyes filled with concern. The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of parchment from the desk.

"I just don't get it," Jace finally said, breaking the silence. "Magnus and Alec used to be so close. Now, Magnus seems distant. It's like he’s pulling away."

Clary stepped into the room and sat beside him. "You think it's because of their parabatai bond?"

Jace nodded, his expression troubled. "Yeah. I mean, they’re in love, right? But the parabatai bond... It’s a big deal. It’s got its own set of rules and restrictions. I can’t help but think it’s tearing them apart."

Clary sighed, her thoughts drifting to the last time she had seen Magnus and Alec together. "I’ve seen how much they care about each other. Magnus has been different lately, and Alec... he’s been withdrawn. It’s like they’re both struggling with this invisible wall."

Jace rubbed the back of his neck. "I think Magnus is afraid. The parabatai bond isn’t just a friendship; it’s a bond that ties two people together in a way that’s hard to break. If something were to happen—"

"—It would affect both of them deeply," Clary finished for him. "Magnus might be distancing himself because he doesn’t want to risk ruining Alec’s life or their bond. But in doing so, he’s pushing Alec away."

Jace looked up at her, eyes sharp with realization. "So, what do we do?"

Clary's face softened with determination. "We talk to them. They need to know they’re not alone in this. They need to hear that their fears are shared, and that they can face them together."

Jace nodded, a plan forming in his mind. "We should bring them together. Maybe a heart-to-heart conversation can help them see that they’re stronger as a team, not apart."

Clary smiled, grateful for Jace’s resolve. "Agreed. Let’s find them and make sure they know that love and parabatai bonds aren’t mutually exclusive. They can have both."

With renewed purpose, Jace and Clary set out to find Magnus and Alec. They knew that understanding and support could bridge the gap created by fear and uncertainty. It was time for their friends to realize that love could be a strength, not a weakness, even in the face of the powerful and binding bond of parabatai.

Alec sat alone in the Institute’s library, a rare moment of solitude amidst the chaos of Shadowhunter life. His eyes were fixed on a stack of ancient tomes, though his mind was elsewhere. The weight of Magnus’s recent distance pressed heavily on him.

Jace entered quietly, noticing Alec’s distracted demeanor. He took a seat opposite him, not immediately speaking, letting Alec gather his thoughts.

“Something on your mind?” Jace asked, his tone gentle but probing.

Alec looked up, his expression a mixture of frustration and sadness. “It’s Magnus. He’s been pulling away, and I don’t understand why. We’ve always been close. Now, it feels like there’s this... wall between us.”

Jace leaned forward, his concern evident. “You think it’s because of the parabatai bond?”

Alec nodded. “Yes. We both knew this bond was important, but now it feels like it’s a barrier we can’t cross. Magnus and I... we’re in love. But I can’t help feeling that the bond is making him afraid to be close to me.”

Jace’s eyes softened with empathy. “Magnus might be struggling with the fear of damaging what you have. The parabatai bond is powerful, and it’s understandable that he might be worried about how his actions could affect both of you.”

Alec ran a hand through his hair. “I want him to know that we can face this together. That we’re stronger as a team, and that our love can coexist with our parabatai bond.”

Jace nodded. “You need to talk to him. Let him know your feelings and fears. Sometimes, just voicing what’s in your heart can bridge gaps that seem insurmountable.”

Magnus paced the length of his loft, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The golden flicker of candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls. His recent distance from Alec had been intentional but painful.

Clary, having heard from Jace, approached Magnus with a mixture of resolve and sympathy. She took a seat on the edge of the couch, watching him for a moment before speaking.

“Magnus, can we talk?” she asked softly.

Magnus stopped, looking at her with weary eyes. “Of course, Clary. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s about you and Alec,” Clary began. “Jace and I have noticed that things between you two have been strained lately.”

Magnus sighed deeply, sinking into a chair. “I’m afraid, Clary. The parabatai bond is... it’s such a strong, binding connection. I’m terrified that if something goes wrong, it will affect us both more than I can bear.”

Clary nodded, understanding. “I think Alec feels the same way, but he’s struggling to reach out to you. He wants you to know that you’re not alone in this. That he’s ready to face these fears with you.”

Magnus looked at Clary, his eyes reflecting a mixture of hope and anxiety. “But what if my fears become a reality? What if this bond complicates everything between us?”

Clary reached out, placing a comforting hand on his. “Love doesn’t have to be a weakness. It can be a source of strength. Alec believes that too. He just needs to hear it from you. He needs to know that you’re willing to face this together.”

Magnus took a deep breath, the weight of Clary’s words settling over him. “You’re right. I need to talk to him. We both do.”

The atmosphere was calm, filled with the usual sounds of the Institute, until it was abruptly shattered by the blaring sound of an alarm. The piercing noise cut through the Institute's halls, causing Magnus and Clary to pause mid-sentence. Alec and Jace immediately tensed, their training and instincts kicking into high gear.

“What’s happening?” Clary shouted over the noise, her eyes wide with concern.

Magnus’s face turned serious. “That’s the security alarm. It indicates a breach somewhere in the Institute.”

Alec and Jace exchanged a quick, determined look. “We need to get to the control room and assess the situation,” Alec said, moving swiftly towards the nearest control panel. Jace followed closely, with Magnus and Clary trailing behind them.

As they navigated the winding corridors, the alarm’s sound grew louder. Alec’s fingers moved rapidly over the control panel, his eyes scanning the readouts. “It looks like someone’s breached the restricted section and is heading directly towards the research vault. But there’s something else—this person seems to be targeting Magnus.”

Magnus’s eyes widened in surprise and concern. “Targeting me? Why?”

Before Alec could respond, the group reached the vicinity of the vault. They saw a cloaked figure manipulating the security system with precision. The intruder’s movements were quick and deliberate, clearly intent on gaining access.

Alec and Jace took strategic positions, their weapons ready. Magnus and Clary flanked them, prepared for any confrontation. “Stop right there!” Alec’s voice rang out, firm and authoritative.

The intruder froze, then slowly turned. His face was partially hidden by the cloak’s hood, but his eyes gleamed with a mix of malice and determination. “Magnus Bane,” the intruder said, his voice cold and deliberate. “I’ve come for you.”


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