Chapter One

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[Chapter: Interview]

Kara arrived at Queen Industries at 6:50, thanks to traffic, she entered the building walking towards the front desk.

"Hi. How can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked Kara.

"I'm here for an interview, Mr. Queen," Kara answered nervously.

"The assistant position?" The lady said and Kara nodded "Go to the very top" she told her.

Kara gave her thank you and walked towards the elevator.


It was now 6:57am and Oliver entered his building,  rushing in not wanting to be late for this interview, "Mr. Queen," Lisa the woman at the front desk stopped him "The woman your interviewing, Ms. Danvers, she's in your office waiting for you" she told him.

"Thank you" he nodded rushing towards the elevator.


Reaching the floor level of his office, the elevator doors opened and he stepped off, walking towards his office he stopped seeing the back of a blonde, her curled ponytail put high up, he could see her bounce her right leg nervously.

He took a deep breath wand entered his office. "Ms. Danvers," he said her name causing her to look up at him "I'm sorry to keep you waiting" he told her walking over behind his desk.

"It's no worries," she told him fidgeting with her hands "I like to be early to things especially if I live across town" she said.

"A person who likes to be on time, very useful in being an assistant," he told her giving her a small smile and she smiled back as he pulled out her file "So it says in your resume that you worked at West Technologies, while applying here?" he looked up at her.

"Yes sir," Kara nodded "Their closing down soon and I wanted a back-up plan before it actually happened" she explained going back to bouncing her right leg.

"You decided to become an assistant instead of sticking with your major in science?"

"Honestly the only reason I became a scientist was because my father was one before he left my mother and I, then my adoptive parents were scientists and so I thought that it was destined for me to be but it isn't..."

"Hey Ollie," someone entered the office looking down at her phone, she had short brown hair, "So I did some digging into this woman your..." she stopped looking up to see Kara staring at her along with Oliver.

"Oh, hello!" She smiled at Kara.

"Hi," Kara waved awkwardly.

"Thea this is Kara Danvers, Ms. Danvers this is my sister Thea Queen" Oliver said.

"Nice to meet you," Thea shook Kara's hand.

"Nice to meet you too" Kara happily took the handshake.

"Well never mind what I was about to say, carry on with your interview," Thea slowly backed out to of the office.

"Sorry about her," Oliver apologized "She likes dig into people who I interview, date, or become friends with" he told her.

"It's fine," Kara smiled.

The interview went on for about twenty more minutes, with Oliver asking her questions about her previous jobs and experiences.

"Can you start today?" Oliver asked her.

"I got the job?" Kara asked hope laced her eyes, Oliver nodded "Yes! Thank you! I can start today!" she beamed.

"Great!" Oliver smiled "Your desk is right next to my office," he pointed to the small desk that seemed to already be set up on the other side of glass wall.

"Thank you sir," Kara nodded standing up walking over to her desk.


Oliver watch his new assistant happily walk to her desk, he couldn't help but smile to himself.

This is going to be fun.


So fun! How did u all enjoy this chapter?

Word count: 620
Published: June 7, 2024

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