Chapter 1

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Eren's POV:

I flinch at the sunlight coming in to my room as I sit up trying to will myself to get out of bed when I hear a knock on my door. My mother walks into my room and smiles at me. "Good morning Eren, happy birthday! I can't believe my baby is already 15! You know why this year is special right?", she says with her eyes a red tint to them. I smile remembering why it's so special. I am to fully turn into a vampire. "Eren your fangs have already grown in!", My mothers says smiling wonderfully. "That reminds me Eren, you don't have to go to school for the week so we Mikasa can help you with all your new abilities and such and maybe we just might get to see what your special ability is", she says with much amusement.

I get out of my bed and walk to my window opening up the curtains letting more light into the room. I can feel my skin soak up the sunlight so gloriously. I started to laugh making my mom give me a questioning face which I answer to with "I find it funny all the things vampires are weakened and killed with because of all those stereotypes". My mom begins to giggle and say "I agree. I love the sunlight and everything it brings", leave it to my mom to sound like an angel.

"Would you like blood or regular food? I only ask because while you can still eat regular food it won't be as appetizing, fulfilling, or nutritious. Also you already have your fangs so I assume must have a bit of bloodlust.", My mother sounds a little less than an angel all of a sudden. I shrug because I honestly don't know how to answer. I've waited for this day for so long but know that I'm here I feel...scared.

"Can I have both? I honestly don't know if I'm ready for blood yet", I say trying to sound like I'm perfectly fine but it's useless. "Eren tell me", my mothers says. Like I said it's useless. All purebred vampires have a special ability and my mother's just happens to be empathic. She can tell what people are feeling because of their emotions no matter how good you are at coving up how you feel.

I sigh. "Mom, it's just I've been waiting for this day in what seems like forever and now it's here but that's the thing and isn't the thing. I mean I've looked forward to this but now what do I have to look forward to? I'm scared I won't be a good enough vampire not to mention my life is changing. I know it's normal in our family but honestly I'm scared. I can't place exactly why I'm scared because...I don't know I'm scared and I feel so weak for it", my mother walks over to me and gives me a hug. I feel a bit better because of her hug but only a little bit.

"Eren, I want you to get dress while I make you some breakfast and we'll eat it in the living room and watch whatever you want on TV. We can chat some more on your vampirism as well. I know how you feel sweetie believe me I do but once you realize what you can do it feels amazing, practically like heaven. So don't worry everything will be fine and there will be plenty of things to look forward to.", Mom says. I feel so much better now. She breaks her hug walking to the door turning to smile at me once more. "Thanks mom", I say smiling and watching as she closes my door to go make breakfast.

I walk to my closet and grab my Doctor Who t-shirt and some black skinny jeans throwing them on to my bed. I started to strip and then dressed in my clothes I threw on my bed when I noticed how everything was so...high definition. I could see so much detail just looking around. This is so cool.

I walked out of my room into the hallway instantly smelling blueberry waffles, bacon, sausage, and something sweet and so aromatic. Wait the kitchen is far away and I could never smell when someone was cooking. Man this just keeps getting better and better. I walk down the hallway passing all of the bedrooms and bathrooms and stuff. I walked into the living room seeing the couch draped with sheets, blankets, and fluffy pillows. Mom certainly wasn't kidding when she said we have a little breakfast and watch TV.

"Eren! Breakfast is almost done so why don't you pull the coffee table closer to the couch please", my mom says. I look at the little table thinking nothing of it until it suddenly flew into the wall behind the couch. My mom came in using her super speed and looking around then laugh as she sees my facial expressions and the destroyed table behind me. I nervously laughed as my mom calmed down a bit. "You scared me for a moment Eren! I didn't expect you to develop so quickly!", she said laugh just a bit more. This super strength is totally gonna help me in gym.

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