Chapter 2

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Eren's POV:

"I'll go wake up Eren and we'll get started on our training Carla", I hear Mikasa say. I sit up and look around. They aren't in my room so how come I can hear them? Mikasa knocked on the door. "Come in Mikasa", I say still wondering how I heard her when she wasn't in here. "How'd you know it was me", she questions. "Well you said that you were gonna come wake me up", I said. "I said that in the kitchen though. You probably got your enhanced hearing while you slept. Anyways get dressed and we'll start your training. I'll make you some food", she says.

"Wait! Uh...can I have blood instead", I ask to which she raises an eyebrow at. "I already have my fangs and it was really good yesterday", I say feeling heat rising to my face. "Sure", is all she says leaving my room and closing the door.

I quickly peel off the clothes and grab my black Tokyo Ghoul shirt and grey skinny jeans with some black high top converse and put them on. Finishing changing I go to the kitchen and see the somewhat large glass of blood. Honestly I don't even care whose blood this is. I know that sounds bad but it's so good.

"Eren dink your blood up then get in the car. I packed snacks for later and we'll talk about how to hide your vampirism at school", Mikasa says when she walks in watching me drink blood. I quickly down the blood and lick the excess off of my lips. My fangs poking out some. Mikasa came to take the cup away from me and I growled. I literally growled at her. She looked taken aback and I couldn't blame her. I can't even believe I did that. " Es tut mir leid", I mumble but know she could hear me. "It's alright Eren I was protective over blood when I first turned. Go get in the car alright", she says dismissing me with her hand cleaning out the cup while I walk outside to her red 1964 GTO Pontiac.

I forgot my phone so I ran there and back but was amazed when I was sitting right back in the car practically less then a second. Mikasa came out and got into the car. "Eren was that you who was running in the house", she asks casually. "I guess so. I forgot my phone so I ran in and got it but I was so fast that I didn't even realize I was back in the car. Is that super speed", I questioned. "Yes it is but be careful not to do it in case someone sees alright", she asks to which I just nod. Mikasa starts the car and drives.

"Eren this is going to be hard for you for a while but I'll be here. You no longer have a heart beat but you will not loose body temperature. It will forever remain at 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit. You can never tell anyone that your a vampire or let them see you drink blood. Whenever you hunt always be careful to make sure no one sees you", she says carrying on with helpful tips.

*One Week Later*

I finally get to go back to school today. The training with Mikasa was actually pretty rough. She taught me how to hunt for my own blood and how to control my abilities. I can finally levitate and fly but I still don't know what my special ability is though which aggravates me some.

I get up and dress in a red plaid button down shirt with a black t-shirt underneath with some regular blue skinny jeans and my usual black high top converse. I make sure I grab my phone and walk into the kitchen going straight to the fridge and pull out the gallon jug filled with blood. I pour some in two microwave safe cups one for now and one for on the way to school. While drinking the blood I see a brown paper bag with my name and a note on it.

Dear Eren,

I made you lunch today. In the black water bottle there is some blood and I know it taste better when warmed up but if you let it sit for a moment in your mouth it taste better then just downing it all at once.

Love Mikasa

I grab my cup and grab my backpack from my room then walk out the house down the street to the bus stop. Occasionally taking a drink from it every now and again. I waited for the bus and while I waited Jean and Marco walked up to the stop. I could hear their heartbeats which reminded me I no longer have my own. I felt a tiny bit sad that I'm no longer like my friends. Well except Jean because I don't count him as a friend because he's a prick.

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