Chapter 4

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Levi's POV:

I woke up still cuddling Eren. I look around seeing it was 9:00 p.m. and started to get up until I realize that his mom said I could stay which ultimately reminded me about her knowing I like him. Fuck. Eren gripped me tighter and cuddle into me. ASDFGHJKL. Fucking cute.

I lay back down and accept this. I know he won't wake up and magically fall in love with me like some stupid Disney movie. I mean come on. Do I look like a Disney princess to you? Yes, I'm fucking hot and don't lie to yourself.

"Mmmmm love me that pie, oh yes I'll be the pie king. Pie me bitches", Eren mumbles. What the fuck is he dreaming about? I want to be his pie. Oh god everything I say fucking sound weird. Get it together hot glare. Oh god I need to stop.

I just sat there watching Eren and believe me that sounds really creepy and no I'm not doing it like Twilight does I swear, but it'f funny listening to him. "No, I shall not give the prince his kiss, I refuse to be his prison bitch", he mumbles. AGAIN, WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DREAMING?!?!?

I kinda just sit awkwardly wishing I can get out of this now as the talk about prison bitches continues. "No! I don't want to have sex with a porcupine!", he says. Oh my dick what is he dreaming about? That's it.

I shake him lightly and then with more force...okay a lot of force to where he falls off the bed. "Ahh don't steal my strawberries!", he yells standing up pathetically trying to recreate karate moves. "Uh huh just what a prison bitch would say", I said smirking internally at his face as it gets red with embarrassment. This is too good.

Eren's POV:

Oh fuck me. I never believed my family when they told me I sleep talk.  "Ah um well this is fucking awkward", shit I can't believe I said that out loud. "Yea it is because here I was thinking you were so cute as you talked about pie then went awkward with talk about prison bitches", he says with a smirk. Wait a holy hot fudge minuet he called me cute I think. Cue tomato face.

"I'm c-cute?", I stumble watching as Levi's eyes widen just a tiny bit before they went back to normal. "Yea, now let me borrow clothes and take a shower I'm all dirty", he says emotionless. I nod and walk to my closet and pull out my pierce the veil t-shirt and grabbed a black pair of basketball shorts that I though could fit him. 

I awkwardly show him to the bathroom and get him all settle then get out as quick as possible. Gosh why am I such a nerd? I walked to the kitchen because I was going to make hash browns and bacon. Love me some hash browns. As I was grabbing plate it slipped from grasp and fell shattering as it made contact with the floor. 

I started picking up the pieces until I felt a sharp pain on my fingertips making it bleed. "What's wrong Eren!?!?", Levi yells running in with nothing but a towel. "Nothing!", I yell trying not to look at him practically naked. "Eren I smell blood. I also smell...hash browns? Why are you on your knees and holding your hand?", he asks bending down taking my hand watching as the blood slowly slips out. "Oww that hurts Levi!", I yell as he grips my wrist tight. "E-eren my ability remember? If I drink someone's blood then I can speak to them in their mind but if they also drink mine then they can do the same with me", he says staring at my blood then looking me in the eyes.

I was speechless. Was he saying he wanted my blood? "Um Levi? Are you wanting me to give you some of my blood?", I ask. "Not exactly, it's tempting me but once the connection is made it can never be broken. I can't do it with just anyone. It has to be with someone close to me, someone who wouldn't mind talking to me whenever I need them or if they need me, someone who would be by my side forever even if they find their soul mate", he says looking at me but I can't really 100% focus because well he's in nothing but a towel. "Levi tell me more but...after you put clothes on.", I say with a slight blush on my face.

He stands up and I take my sweet time admiring that eight pack. Too hot, hot damn get another sexy fireman. I am definitely okay with his attire right now though very much. Thank you gay Jesus. "Hey brat why don't you go clean yourself and I'll finish the breakfast as soon as I'm dressed", he says and I just get up nodding walking towards my room to grab some clothes because I just decided I'm not going to school today because honestly who would really want to go to school when you can have a nice hot boy walk around your house in a towel and even your clothes?

I grab some black sweatpants and a matching black t-shirt along with...well you guessed it black boxers to complete it. I walk to the shower and well...shower.

Levi's POV:

I told him. Wow I'm fucking stupid. I'm so obvious that he even asked if I wanted his blood! I want him to be mine and I want us to have that connection together even if we start out as friends we could well I don't know.

Get it together. Wait where is everyone? No one is concerned about me running naked through their house? Well since I already got dressed I'll go in the kitchen noticing a bright yellow sticky note on the fridge.

Dear boys,

Mikasa and I will be gone for the day so we should be back late tonight. Levi you may stay the night again as long as you boys go to school tomorrow. Remember what we talked about Levi. Anyways have fun!

Love Mom

Please tell me Eren hasn't read this. All I can do is pray. I quickly clean the kitchen and fix our plates with...hash browns. I knew I smelled hash browns earlier but that's besides the point. "Hey Levi! If you want anything help yourself", I hear Eren say.

I open the fridge and grab some orange juice pouring me a glass. Gonna eat me some hash browns and some orange juice. "Oh here let me get you a fork", Eren says walking in towards the supposed silverware drawer grabbing two forks. He looks good in them sweatpants. It be hard to take that tight shirt off of him. Whoa calm your dick Levi.

"Thanks", shut the fuck up and eat your yummy hash browns your man made you. Wait you idiot he isn't yours. I need Jesus, no I need these delicious hash browns. "Do you know where Mikasa and my mom are?", Eren asks so this must mean he didn't read that note. "Yea they went out and won't be home till night time and shit.", I say to him seeing him nod.

"Levi how much do you love me?", more than I should bright eyes "why?", play it cool "because I want you to go to the book store with me but if you don't want to and would rather go home then I understand. Wait! I'm so sorry you never got to finish talking about your ability!", he exclaims. Oh fuck me. Wait yes please fuck me. Bad Levi.

"Well if I did it with someone then we could talk anytime no matter where we are but with our minds.", I say watching the look of amazement cross his face. "Wait, if we did it would you be able to feel and see everything I would?", he asks "no, just communicating with each other", I say.

"Do you want to do it with me?", he asks. Hell yea. "If you want to", I say and he smiles that heavenly smile "I'd like that Levi", he says. Oh yea we gonna do this. "Where would you like to bite me?", he asks "Well I rather not bite your neck or where anyone else could see the bite mark until it heals so maybe your shoulder?", I say steeping close to him and he nods and tries to pull my shirt down to expose his shoulder but his shirt was too tight so he just sighed and pulled his shirt up revealing delectable abs.

"Well um come here so I can suck you- wait damn that sounds wrong", he says blushing. "Cocky bastard aren't you? Don't make a mess and I don't care where you bite me prison bitch", I say bringing my mouth against his shoulder and bite instantly his blood flooding my mouth. So delicious. Once I finished I liked the spot to help keep it clean and stop the bleeding but with his regeneration the bite was practically gone.

"So now I bite you and drink?", he asks while I nod still remembering the taste of him. He grabbed my shoulder softly and lifted my face as he put his lips to my neck sinking his own fangs in and drinking steadily and holding me up in case I fall from the high I'm receiving. He pulls back a bit and I can feel his breath against my neck and I can feel his tongue lick. "Holy shit! The mark is gone!", he exclaims.

So I guess your abilities are more then just self regeneration


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