Chapter 6

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Eren's POV:

Finding out that Levi is my soul mate definitely came as a shock but it was also strangely comforting. I mean, who would've known? In all honesty though I actually really enjoy this but it's also sudden so I want to take it relatively slow not jumped into things because honestly I just turned 15 like what, a month ago? I don't want to deal with teenage pregnancy. Wait we're both males. I'm an idiot.

Levi eventually went home after my mom walked in on us and he made me promise to go to school today. At least it's Wednesday so I don't have long till the weekend. Mikasa was so kind as to drive my lame self to school. Honestly though, I only think she did it to give me a lecture about me being too young and shizz. I'm kind of upset though because I want her to find her soul mate so that she will be immortal too.

So now here I am once again at school battling urges to punch the stupid horse as he taunts me about leaving school with Levi. Jokes on him because now I got a boyfriend and he still can't make a move on Marco, which is painful on everyone's part. So I left him there. Probably pissed him off more which is a total bonus.

I start walking to 1st period when Levi comes out of now where and walks me all the way to class. Just before I went inside he whispers "meet me at the big oak tree after school", and gave me a kiss on the cheek which surprises me and I'm sure I'm blushing but what does he do? He just fucking smirks at me.

When I walk to my seat Armin practically jumps me. "Eren where have you been? What was up with that fight Monday? Why did Levi pull you away and why did he walk you to class?", Armin frantically asks me and he worriedly looks me up and down. "I've been home helping mom and Mikasa with some stuff, the fight was horse face's fault, and Levi pulled me away so I wouldn't get into trouble and we're friends. Does that cover everything?", I ask poking his cheeks laughing about how he hates it and pouts. "Yea, yea...isn't Levi friends with um...Erwin Smith?", he asks shyly blushing a bit. I almost forgot that they like each other.

So many ideas run through my head now.

Me and Levi could "hang out" and I can invite Armin and Levi can invite Erwin then me and Levi "sneak off" and see what happens. I deserve a cookie for this brilliant thinking. AHHH! THEY WOULD BE SO CUTE BUT ARMIN WOULD TOTALLY BE THE UKE. I need Jesus.

"Yea, that reminds me that we should hang out Friday", I say giving no hints to my devious. "How does Erwin remind you of us hanging out on Friday?", he asked confused. "Tacos. The park has an awesome taco stand and I want me so tacos", I reply which isn't a total lie. I love them damn tacos. "Oh, okay Eren. Your so weird", he says laughing a bit "not as weird as prison bitches", I mumble.



"I though you said something" Armin says looking at me strangely. "Nah, I didn-", I get interrupted by the bell so I make a break for it running to the library since I have my free period now. Wait, I wanna put my plan in action.


What brat.

Awwww how mean!

This better be good.

Okay. Look on Friday me and Armin are gonna hang out and I was hoping you and Erwin would coincidently meet with us and then you and me sneak off and see if eyebrows- I mean Erwin and Armin do something about their feelings for each other. So...pretty please?!?!?!?

And what do I get out of this?



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