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THE SOUND OF A BLADE being stabbed repeatedly in the wall beside me catches my attention, to the point where my jolly whistle of a tune stops and I open the door...

...only to have a blade thrown into the wall beside me. One inch away from my cheek, to be precise.

An all too familiar throw. Done by the all too familiar person who stands in front of me, glaring with her now one eye.

I smile. "Hello Vaggie," I smirk, making sure to mispronounce her actual name, the same way Adam used to do.
She growls, her hand gripping the hilt of her spear as she approaches me.

"What the fuck are you doing down here?"

"Need I explain myself AGAIN?!" I sigh loudly, deciding to lay sideways across the chair in the corner, dangling my scythe in between my legs as a pout forms on my lips.

"Come on, what happened to the NICE version of you? You know, the one who was ACTUALLY bearable. Jesus what does my niece see in you?" I grumble the last part, absorbing Vaggie's annoyance like a sponge in water.

I've always enjoyed nitpicking her, even back up in Heaven when she was Adam's head Exorcist, before Lute got involved and took her place.

Strange really, to see the now fallen Exorcist, who used to vent to me all the time about how the Hellspawn were the scum of the earth...only now to be involved with Charlie, and HELPING this place?

Damn what a crazy twist of fate.

Vaggie places the tip of her spear in between us, leaning down to meet my level in height while I lay on the chair.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," she hisses, "if you ever show signs of being a threat to this hotel, or use Ophelia like you did all those other women in Heaven, then you won't have to worry about answering to God."

She raises her spear, pointing the tip in my face.

"Because I will make sure that you meet your permanent demise, no hesitation."

Aww how cute, the little fallen Exorcist threatening the uncle to her girlfriend. Like that'll actually get her anywhere good.

I smirk, sitting up and placing my hands under my chin in a playful manner.

"What makes you think I'm here for Ophelia?" I muse.
She glares. "Because it's like you," she spits, "you have history with her."

"ONE encounter," I raise a single finger. "And besides, I didn't know she was here."

"...you're a horrible liar."

"Aww, what gave it away? My good looks? My eyes?" I smirk, "my dashing smile?"

Vaggie crosses her arms. "Your nose crinkles when you lie," she says dryly.
I scoff. "Whatever," I rise back up, folding my arms as well. "Look, this doesn't concern you, so why don't you keep your noise out of my business, or else I'll send a little word back to Lute," I smirk.

Vaggie growls. "I'm not scared of her. She's nothing more then a weakling, a coward..."

"She's now a new commander since dear old Adam passed away," I mark a T on my chest, "bless his permanently lost soul."
Of course I'm being sarcastic. I hated Adam's guts. He got what was coming to him.

I yawn loudly. "Hey sweetie, where's your shower? I need a nice cold shower."

"Down the hall, to the right, but it's being occupied--"

I didn't hear her last part, since I was already out of the door, whistling under my breath on my way to the shower.
Little did I know an unexpected yet, oh so pleasant surprise was awaiting me...

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