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I TURN ON MY HEELS to make my way to the hotel's kitchen for some breakfast--or...at least I hope it's breakfast--but along the way, I see the slumped posture belonging to none other then my older brother, Lucifer...

The flash of his back in the cracked doorway causes me to halt, shift my gaze to stare at his back, as old pushed aside memories begin to resurface.

An old scabbed wound re-opening, bleeding yet again.
The sight of Lucifer like this reminds me of the day he was chained and bound, head hanging low as our merciless Lord and Savior, our God, banished him out of Heaven.

Michael stood beside me and Leo that day, wearing a sad yet almost sneering expression on his golden carved face.
All the while me and Leo stood side by side, our eyes locked on Lucifer, watching our brother fall.

I shut my eyes, exhaling a soft breath of remorse, shame...I should've done something. I should've ran after and jumped as well, I should've dropped to my knees and begged like a coward.

I should've done something besides nothing.

Lucifer was one of the only brothers--or sisters--I had who understood me, who I in return understood.
And he was wrongfully banished to this... shit hole.

I open the door, and step inside to stand beside him.
Lucifer doesn't look at me.
I can sense his pain, his eternal pain that no one can reach or fix, his depression that eats him from the inside out until there is nothing left at all but a hollow shell.

"Lulu?" I ask, "can we...talk, please? I really--"

"I don't want to speak to you," Lucifer exhales, his shoulders slouching forward even more as the exhale of breath left his lips.

So emotionless...
The slice of pain stings my chest, but I do my best to ignore it and continue, even if it's pointless...

"Well will you listen to me?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"I'm sorry, Lucifer. I'm sorry I didn't stand up to defend you that day when you were banished. I'm sorry I was--and still am--a fucking coward. I should've helped you, I should've stopped God or smacked Michael in his bitch-ass face. I--I should've done SOMETHING!"

A sigh leaves my lips as I sense my anger getting out of control, and so in an attempt to calm down, I take a seat beside Lucifer, who doesn't look at me or murmur a single word.

"I want my brother back..." I whisper, "I want my friend back. I know that I probably don't deserve it, but I can't live with the guilt of knowing that I stood by and watched you fall from Heaven. I put my fucking duty before my blood and kin that is you..."

I swallow.

"I know without a doubt that if it was me who fell, you would've tried everything to help me...and that, I really admire about you. Even when I was young I looked up to you. You had all the traits that I wanted to be...you were the favorite, you had dreams, visions, goals, all things you were running for...and me? I had nothing. Nothing besides Hael and Haniel as companions, and this rank as the Angel of Death."

I bury my face in my hands. "I betrayed you. And I am so, so goddamn sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me most. But...I'm here now, and I'm willing to be there from now on, if you'll let me...that is."

Silence fills the air.
Shit I probably sounded like an emotional mess just now, didn't I?

Lucifer doesn't move, nor makes a single sound. But it was expected.
I completely severed our bond.

With a sigh, I get back on my feet to leave, taking three small steps before I hear Lucifer call out, almost in a hushed whisper.

"I forgive you..."

I stop walking, look over my shoulder at him, a little smile forming on my lips.
A weight feels like it's been lifted off my shoulders at his three words, the three words I've been waiting centuries to hear...

Maybe this secret mission for God isn't so bad after all.
I'm making progress with Lucifer, and spending time with my niece, and...having a little fun with the demon girl that I was sent keep an eye on...

And...in other words, eliminate.
I force the thoughts out of my head, and give my attention to Lucifer who has now approached me.

I have to look down to meet his gaze, since he practically reaches my hips in height.
A smirk forms on my lips, and I decide to do something I used to when we were younger.

I bend down, lift him up, and give him a much-too-tight hug.
Lucifer begins to stutter, "I--can't--breathe--"

"Sorry," I release him, almost dropping him to the ground. "But hey, you were the one who got me used to hugs."
"Guess so," Lucifer fixes his suit and adjusts his hat, before tapping my shoulder with the tip of his apple cane.

"Well uhh," Lucifer clears his throat. "Where are you off to now?"

So much like a royal, his words, his tone...it's almost laughable, judging that he was a total dork when he was in Heaven.

I smirk. "I'm off to go visit my favorite girl..."
I leave before Lucifer can respond.
To Lucifer, he probably assumes I meant Charlie.

When in reality, I meant Ophelia...

My favorite demon girl.
My little firecracker.

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