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I MAKE MY WAY TO THE SHOWER, opening the painted door as I stretch a little.
A nice cold shower is just what I need to help my muscles. I know it's unusual, but baby, I'm the Angel of Death.

I'm full of surprises ;).

Just as the door swings open wide enough, I suddenly stop dead in my tracks, my eyes widening when I see what's in front of me.

A bare back covered by a towel halfway down, revealing a complexion of light grey skin with white speckles resembling stars.
And...a head of long black damp hair being tied up in a bun by two slender feminine arms.

I smirk. Well well well, looks like the little spider is caught in my web this time.
But still, despite the situation, and the fact that I'm CLEARLY doing something I'm not supposed too...I can't help but admire her frame.

Perfectly curvy...perfectly shaped...
It's making me forget what I'm supposed to do to this poor demon soul.

Quickly before she can find me, I hide in the shadowy corner to the left of the room, using my black wings to completely shield me, as I watch her emerge from the shower, by now fully dressed, wearing a black crop top and grey shorts.

Well, I didn't see her completely naked, but still...what I did see was enough to make my cold heart go boom boom.
Damn...why does demon scum have to be so... appealing?

Goodness if God saw me, I'd be banished in an instant.
But with a heavy heart, I know what needs to be done.

I need to complete my duty, and make sure her soul is reaped.

And to do that...I need to actually try.
Not sultry remarks, no jokes... honesty.
I need to try and get closer to her...in order for me to perform my Deadly Kiss.

My one kiss...that'll take her very breath away.
Quite literally.

A bittersweet job, yet...one I've been forced to endure as my life path, chosen by God.
At some point, Ophelia walks off, humming under her breath as she leaves the room, leaving me completely alone.

I lower my wings, and exhale, deciding to go and take my shower.
When I'm inside, I strip of my clothes and drop them to the floor, before stepping inside.

The smell of lilac shampoo fills the air, clearly from when Ophelia used it.
A soft smile tugs at my lips.
I love lilacs...

I turn the water on, beginning to shampoo and condition my hair, before I glance down at my chest, hissing softly.

A scar...a giant slash marked sideways on my chest...from none other then little Ophelia herself ten years ago...
When she managed to escape my grasp, and use my scythe against me.

It still hurts to this day, it's a reminder of my crushed pride and ego.
Yet another reminder of her...

No matter how many times I want to forget it, I can't.

That damn scar...from her...will always be in the back of my mind.

But...I suppose now it's time to leave my mark on her.
Besides, I have God's permission.
Even if it's...grim.

But...they call me Grim Reaper for a reason.

🥀𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒🥀 (Azrael x fem! reader love story🖤)Where stories live. Discover now