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Everyone's nearly stripped down to nothing or are wearing a plain tank top and shorts--like me.

And as much as I would love to be inside a cool AC room, I have errands to run.
For starters, I need to visit my mother Carmilla and chat with her...well, more like seek for advice.

I expect my mother's backlash once she finds out I've accepted my enemies apology, but still...as the saying goes. Keep your friends close, but enemies closer.

Consider this testing the waters. I want to see if Azrael is true to his word, if he really has the heart of gold like Charlie says.

I'll just have to play the waiting game and see it for myself.

Jesus when did my life become so conflicted?

As I'm walking down the sidewalk, I get a disturbing feeling rise in my chest, but I try my best to ignore it, thinking it's just me overreacting.

But at some point, I hear footsteps.

I sigh. "Azrael I swear if you're stalking me I'll--"

A hand gets thrown over my mouth suddenly, as I feel myself get pinned against a body, while someone ahead of me tries to duck tape my eyes.

Quickly, I lift my legs and kick the demon in front of me in the stomach, before using all my strength to push down the arms wrapped around me and twist his arm to the point of breaking.

In a split second, I notice the outfits these guys wear, and fear floods my veins.
Goons, for the three Vees.

Immediately, I turn to run towards the direction of the hotel, pumping my legs, my lungs heaving, before the sudden SMASH against the back of my head causes me to collapse.

I hit the ground, my head pounding as black blood pools under me, my vision blurry, my surroundings spinning, and my ears ringing.
The blurry figure of a man stands beside me, exhaling a cloud of pink smoke, before whispering in a faint, sadistic whisper.

"Hello, Ophelia..."

Everything goes black.


"Ophe?" I call out, peeking my head in her open door, seeing her somewhat cluttered room, but tidy at the same time.
Strange, she's usually supposed to be here...did she leave or something?

I've been looking for her for about twenty minutes, I even called her phone and texted, but no response back.
Though I wouldn't put it past her to purposely avoid me.

Suddenly, my ears perk up when I hear Charlie's panicked voice ring through the air.
"We have to find her! She could get killed any minute if we don't get there!"


One of my hair pins, Hael, instantly takes flight and zooms forward, following with Haniel leading the rear.
When they both move at such a fast speed out of random, it's definitely not a good sign.

With my hand clenching my scthye, I run down the steps and enter the longue where everyone has gathered.
Charlie is pacing, Vaggie is trying to calm her down, Husker's brow is furrowed, Niffty's jumping up and down, Angel looks pissed yet scared at the same time, Alastor is simply smiling, and Lucifer has that look of concern on his face.

And still no sign of Ophelia.
Oh shit...

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing a piece of paper in Charlie's hand.
She runs to me. "It's the Vees! They--they grabbed Ophelia and--"

"Slow down," I put my hands on her shoulders, "who are the Vees?"

"Three asshole overlords," Angel spits, "one of them I wish was dead..."
"Which one kidnapped Ophelia?" I ask, before being handed the note that was in Charlie's trembling hand.

I read it out loud:

"Think you can fuck with us? Think again.
We decided to pay Ophelia a little visit. But don't worry, I'll make sure she returns....a broken, bloody, used mess after Val
has his way with her. This is for breaking my TVs!"

Oh that day when I was being shown around Hell by Alastor, guess those TVs belonged to that weird TV demon...
Still, it states that they have her?

Charlie stares at me. "Why...are you so calm, uncle?"
I glance at her, a soft smile on my lips. "Which was is there place?"

"It's on the lust side of town, about twenty minutes from here, but we're coming too," Vaggie declares.
I shake my head. "No, I got this, don't worry."

"Azrael," Lucifer says cautiously, knowing damn well what happens when I get in this state.
But being the Angel of Death...I know now to handle my emotions quite well.

"It'll draw too much attention if we all went, so just stay here, I'll get her."


I don't want any longer. I head towards the door and step outside, staring at the city ahead where Ophelia is being held captive.
I smirk softly, side eying Haniel.

"Looks like I'll be reaping some souls on my vacation, huh old buddy?"
Haniel makes an approving mechanical sound, and I chuckle.

With my feet firmly placed on the ground, I exhale a breath and summon my black angelic wings.
And in one swift motion...I lift myself off the ground, and touch Hell's sky.

🥀𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒🥀 (Azrael x fem! reader love story🖤) ON HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now