Chapter 5

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The reflection staring back at me in the mirror is one I don't recognize. It's been a week since Ritual so I'm finally growing accustomed to my new features, but with my hair braided into an updo and coal across my eyelids, it's hard to imagine I was a farmer a short time ago. The black dress from the seamstress is immaculate. A gown of twilight fitting to every curve. Deep V cut between my breasts and down my spine. Slim sleeves hang off my shoulders and only the tulle cape offers some decency as it pools down my back. Both fabrics are glistening with starlight, like the seamstress plucked them from the sky herself.

Elswyth stands behind me to admire her handiwork and Cassius gapes from my other side. "You clean up well, Aeris," She beams. I smile to her before returning my gaze to the mirror. I look like a moon in its own galaxy when the light catches on the glitter, the dress changes to deep blues and purples.

I dare say I look stunning.

"That is thanks to your talented hands, Els."

The gentle rasp on my door doesn't wait for a reply before entering. Kora and Robyn join my friends in admiring each other in our mirror. Are we vain? No...well, maybe just for tonight.

Kora's light blue dress is fitted in the bodice with stones sparkling under the candlelight. Her skirt is all puff, and honestly it suits her. Her sleeves are sheer and just as puffy as her skirts. Beads and stones are fastened into her hair, and even with a bare face, my friend is so beautiful. I tell her as much, which has Kora's cheeks heating and a "Thank you," is mumbled under her breath.

Robyn's outfit is like Cassius's in that they are the same, just different colors. They wear traditional cream tunics fitted with a belt across the waist and long pants. Short capes dawn their shoulders, Robyn's green and Cassius's blue.

"So," Robyn starts, grinning a little too much as he gives me a once over in the mirror, "are we ready to go?" We nod in unison. My ankles threaten to roll in my heeled shoes as we head into the hall and up the stairs. I try to focus on something other than my feet, so I take the time to admire Elswyth's gown.

My friend may be the star of the ball this evening with her strapless emerald ballgown and diamond jewelry. Her makeup is simple but brings out the deep green of her eyes. She'd taken the day to braid her hair and install small loops in the braids, twisting them all together into an updo. It took two pairs of hands to do it, but it turned out gorgeous. She walks ahead of us with the upmost grace, like this is the role Elswyth was born for. The debutant. The woman every man wants but cannot have. Confidence looks good on her.

We join the other cadets outside of the grand ballroom doors. Butterflies make me nauseous, and my hands feel clammy suddenly. Am I sweating?

A hand on my shoulder brings little comfort. "First ball?" Cassius asks, to which I nod grimly. We don't have these functions in my village. We dance around fires for holidays, sure, but its informal and free and alive. How many people are beyond those doors? Will I have to interact with them? What if they have questions that I do not yet have answers for?

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Yes."

"It's meant to be fun. There are refreshments and merriment. If there is someone you fancy, you can strike up a conversation. Perhaps they will ask you to dance. But there is no pressure here, Aeris, and if you need to escape you can find one of us or there is a terrace at the other end of the ballroom." Cassius smiles at me, so infectious that I need to return it.

The doors open, and we start to filter inside. We aren't announced, thankfully, but all eyes are on the new cadets as they descend the stairs. Since we arrived later, my group is toward the back, and thanks to these awful shoes I am the slowest and therefore the last in line. Elswyth is graceful in her descendent and already there are men making their way to beg for her affections. Robyn is next, then Kora. Cassius gives my hand a squeeze before he goes. My shoes click against the marble floor as I move to the balcony overlooking the room below.

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