Chapter 7

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The next few weeks are uneventful, at least, they are for me. Training with Captain Glaphyra is tense, and I still fail to visualize my power, or open my soul, or whatever it is that he is trying to get me to do. Maybe it's because of my inability to relax, or maybe it's simply him. Around Kieran it's become increasingly difficult to be anything but callous. Following orders is fine, but I don't speak to him unless I need to, and he has made a point to do the same.

My friends' afternoons are filled with their own magic training and now shifting. I've made a point to sit atop the hill where the flight fields are, watching my squad change into their dragons. The first time I came out here I couldn't believe my eyes. It happened so quickly that once I blinked, Robyn was suddenly a towering green brood. When Elswyth shifted, in all her naked glory, it was astounding to watch the body contort and grow into something that should be unnatural. Watching them take to the skies makes my heart squeeze with envy. It's all I ever wanted, and it may be something I can never have.

The only good thing to come out of being powerless is there have been no visits with King Tyrron, though I suspect he's growing increasingly impatient at my lack of prowess.

Kieran canceled our training for the day, and instead of watching the pack fly during a heavy rainstorm, I spend some time in the library pouring over books that may or may not have information about this first goddess. Our history go into great detail regarding the War of Mortals, but there is no mention of this alleged queen. The furthest back it goes is the birth of our nations. Six Kings, six kingdoms, six Elder dragons swearing allegiance to the good of mankind after their defeat.

Allegiance to man. I nearly snort as I turn the page. Bruthynth has been confined to that cave for Gods know how long. I highly doubt he wears the chains willingly.

When the sun wanes, I'm escorted out of the library by the very old yet very kind librarian by the name of Miss Winsley. "Young lady, I do not wish for you to miss supper. Be off now, away with you!"

Such a charming woman.

When I join the rest of the legion in the dining hall, dinner is in full swing. My friends are animated at our table, gossiping about who knows what. That familiar heat pricks the back of my neck, like the night of the ball, Kieran's gaze is scorching as I take my seat. Then it's gone as quickly as it came, and I can relax into my meal.

"Hey Aeris!" Robyn chimes with a cheek full of chicken. "Where've you been? We almost thought you were ditching us."

"Please, I would never ditch such wonderful companions." I start filling my plate with whatever I can grab. I'd missed lunch while researching and my stomach was growling for some sustenance. "I was at the library all day because of the weather."

"Why would you subject yourself to that? Sounds boring." Teeth rip into tender flesh as Robyn speaks.

I fold gravy into my potatoes, careful not to spill it into my green beans. "I was looking for something, but it was fruitless."

"Like what?" Cassius asks beside me, eyes full of wonder and curiosity.

"What do you know of the Gods?"

"I know that dragons were born of the Gods, hence the magic." He muses, slicking his slice of bread with butter. "I also know that the Gods haven't been seen for centuries. They no longer answer the pleas of mortals or visit their temples. I could go into detail about each God but I doubt you want a lesson on mythology at this hour."

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