Chapter 8

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Author's Note

Please be aware the content of this chapter may be triggering for some.

TW: fire, death


The thick tome lay open on my lap, barely legible by my thinning candlelight, and my eyelids grow heavy as I reread the same paragraph again. "Humans were...powerless..." I mumble through a yawn. It's the middle of the night, the sun will be rising soon. I should be asleep, yet here I am, trying to get through the telling of the war. "Six generals led...the charge. They...they..."

Next thing I know, I'm jolted awake by a herd of wildcats scurrying against floorboards and barking in the hallway.

I blink into the darkness. Rub the sleepiness from my eyes. My arms stretch toward the ceiling, a pleasant burn coaxing my muscles awake. The barking forms into muffled words, and it isn't the sound of claws I hear.

It's a hoard of boots marching through the hall and up the stairs. Doors slamming shut, whispers that I can't make out even with my enhanced hearing. I slip out of bed, put the reading on my table by the window and head out into the hall just as the last of the cadets march up the steps with weapons strapped to their backs. A mission? Why didn't they wake me?

Probably because I have no power and thus cannot fly. But I can still be useful on a battlefield.

I bang on Elswyth's door, praying she hasn't left with the rest of the squadron yet. My bare foot taps impatiently against the cool floor. I knock again. And again, with more urgency this time—

Elswyth throws open the door and takes me in with wide eyes. "Aeris?"

"What's going on?" I demand. A door further down the hall slams shut, and I follow Elswyth's gaze to find Cassius standing awkwardly. My question goes unanswered, so I try again, pleading, "Was a village attacked? Is it the rot? Are we going on our first mission? Someone please say something before I lose my damn mind."

The pair stare at each other, a silent conversation passing between them that I am not privy to. It almost makes me wonder if Blooded can communicate telepathically somehow. I watch Cassius open his mouth, then quickly shut it. "We are under strict orders," Elswyth starts carefully.

"Why did no one wake me?" Another moment of silence filled with hesitation. "Let me help. You both know I'm skilled with a sword. Let me be of use."

"We have to go," Elswyth pushes past me, but I follow like a clingy pup as they ascend the stairs. "Aeris, please, stop being so difficult. Go back to your room. This doesn't concern you." Her words are like needles driving deep into my heart. It doesn't concern me?

"What else do I need to be left out of? I know I cannot shift, I have yet to manifest my power. I am an outcast here just as I was back home. I want to help, please, just tell me what's going on at the very least." I look at Cassius, who peers over his shoulder to me. "Am I being punished? Am I really seen as so useless that I cannot join my squadron—"

"You fly with me," Cassius interrupts as we reach the main hall. His eyes are downcast from Elswyth's as she stares him down. Her look could put the fear of the Gods into any sorry soul. "If anyone followed us, and we didn't realize it until you were on my back. Stay close to us and do not leave my sight under any circumstances. No matter what you see, what you hear, or what you scent. Is that clear?"

I nod once.

"Gods, we are going to be in a heap of shit," Elswyth mutters.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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