Chapter 6

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My day off was spent in bed nursing a headache. It could be from the champagne, or the confusion at the end of the night with my captain. I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is this morning we avoided each other. I stay behind the pack on our run while Kieran runs ahead with the others. My dummy is beheaded several times and I feel a little guilty for bruising my sparring partners. But Captain Glaphyra is acting as though I don't exist. Like the other night never happened.

That's fine. It was a fluke anyway. It didn't mean anything.

After placing my sword back on the rack, I wander over to the water station where Elswyth and Kora chat idly. They quiet when I near, as if they can feel the tension in my body.

"You seem...perky." Elswyth says as she hands me a glass of water, which I down quickly. "I didn't see you after the ball. Did you enjoy it?"

Yes. No. I steal a glance at Kieran, who's watching a sparring match between Juliana and Ember, the other red in our squad, with his arms folded over his chest. Focused. His hair is half up today, and I try to imagine it blond.

And find myself preferring the dark locks and starlit eyes.

"I did. It was fun until it wasn't. I don't know what I expected." He's circling the ring, keeping his eyes on their footwork. Pointing to the Ember's feet and shouting to get into a different stance.

"Okay, cryptic." Elswyth sips from her glass and leans against the table. "You don't have to tell us, but can you at least try not to take your aggressions out on everything and everyone? Poor Finnick took a beating because you're mad about...whatever."

"I'm sorry." And I mean it. "He asked me to dance." I nod to our captain and watch the girls' eyes widen to saucers.

"He did what?" Kora gasps.

"We danced on the terrace. It seemed like he was courting me the entire night. Saying all the right things. We went for a walk in the garden and found a gazebo. We talked for a long while..." I look at him again, and this time he's facing my direction. For a moment our eyes meet and a spark of hope lights in my chest before he returns his attention to the task at hand. "He asked if I had anyone waiting for me in Windson. Romantically."

Elswyth and Kora's jaws hit the floor. "No way."

I nod. "I told him about Jeremias but that it was over. He got weird after that and left. Now he's avoiding me." We're avoiding each other, but I'm only avoiding him because he is avoiding me. "I feel like I did something wrong."

"You didn't," Kora says, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. "I can't believe our captain would ask such things of you. It seems out of character."

Which may be why I'm still in shock. Captain Glaphyra, the black dragon and shadow of Agliath, asked me to dance. Had his hands on me. The ghost of his touch on my waist has me rubbing the blush out of my cheeks.

"Well, it's his loss. You're a catch." Elswyth blows me a kiss.

"You're the catch, Els, I heard all the fun you had into the night." Kora and I laugh as Elswyth's face grows fifty shades of red.

Training is called for the day, and I'm about to walk off with my friends when a hand on my shoulder pulls me back. I whirl, ready to yell at someone but stop short. "You and I have solo training. King's orders." Kieran doesn't wait for my reply before stalking back toward the ring.

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