The Bellingham Scent

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Jun. 8, 2023 - Dortmund, Germany
I've been on call with my best-friend, Mia, for pretty much the whole day for the whole atmosphere in this house felt weird.

Like something bad is about to happen.

She's the only person that could calm me down. Whenever I'm about to hurt everyone else around me, she's there to stop me. I've hurt her, but she didn't let go.

No, she understood and gave me space and time to take care of myself. Then helped me when she felt like she could.

I love her so much.

I turn on my camera and looked for a funny filter and also some cute ones.

I found one that gave me a mustache and damn, I'd look hot as a man.

Mia screenshotted my face and giggled.

"Delete that." I say as I turn off my camera and roll my eyes.

"I have so many pictures of you." Mia smiled and I screenshotted her back.

"See? I don't care. I look hot." She raised her eyebrows and check on her new zit. It was ALL over the screen.

Her German accent wasn't strong but it was still there. Her English is actually quite impressive.

"You are and oh my god, don't pop that." I turn my camera back on and show my disgusted face.

"I'm not gonna." Mia smiled. "Do you want to sleep call tonight? You seem a little worried."

I love sleep calls.

"Yeah and I'm fine, I don't know why everyone is acting weird." I put my phone against the mirror on my vanity table and jump on my bed.

"Have you been talking to Jacob?" Mia ask as gently as she can.

"What? No." I sigh.

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

She stayed silent so I jump off of my bed.

"Okay.. We just chatted for a little on Instagram.. He replied to my story." I sat down and groaned.

"It's okay, Viena. You just have to try and let go of some things. Like his social media accounts or like his photos you keep in your camera roll. You're too good for him. Cheaters never will change, my love."

Mia's accent makes everything so much better; like a light breeze that blows away all of your fear of judgment.

Mia doesn't judge. That's what I love most about her.

"I'll block him for you. Keep him blocked, okay?" Mia say as her camera turns off.

She has all of my social media accounts.

"I think I'll stay off of social media for now. Everyone and everywhere always has a connection to Jacob and they're all there together partying or something while I'm stuck in Germany." I grab my phone and walk out my room to go and make some ramen.

"If they're all connected with Jacob, then do you think they're good for you?" Mia say as her camera turns back on. She's laying on her bed beside the Lana Del Ray pillow I bought her for her birthday.

"No one knows the sociopath that he is." I say as I get out a pot.

"I looked at his Instagram a few weeks ago and I cringed really hard." Mia say and started giggling and then we started laughing together.

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