12| Kiss me

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So in this AU, Cole and Kai met when they were more young. And after they needed to seprate they didn't meet while doing ninja stuff, just they meet somewhere.... i dont know how to explain so yea🤷‍♀️

Will contain smut!!😏🤭🫣🤫🥴


Kai's POV:

"Kai sweetie! Can you come here?" I heard that mom say to me and i went downstairs to her. "Yes mom?" I asked. "You're dad is needed to go somewhere with Nya, and im cooking lunch. Do you wanna go somewhere alone?" She asked.

I was so happy that i can go finally by myself. "Yes, mom. I want to go somewhere outside and maybe i can find friends." I said hugged mom and i went outside.

(Kai is abaut 6 years old in this time)

It was really sunny day. I just walked in the grass. I sat down and watched the creek flow. It was peaceful. I saw something in the corner of my eyes. I turned araund and i saw a boy. I stand up and i went to him.

"Hey? Im Kai!" I said to him. The boy who was i think shorter than me got up. "H-hey. Im Cole. Its nice to meet you" i could tell he was shy. And cute. I blushed a little and smiled. "Do you wanna be friends?" I asked the cute boy. "Friends? I never had a friend before." He said.

I looked him sad and shocked. "You never had a friend before?" I asked the boy. "No." He said and i opened my mouth. "Then let me be your first friend!" I said. He smiled. His smile was so adorable.

"Do you love bugs?" I asked the boy. "Amm.... I really like butterflies." I looked at him. "Really?! I love them too." I said. "Look! There's one!!" We sat down and watched that butterfly.

[i forgot that the butterfly is not a bug but insect💀]

"My mom always said that the butterflies are little fairys, who are help us when we need it." I looked him. "Wdym 'said'?" I asked he teared a little. I looked at him shocked. "Is she...?" I asked him and he nodded. I quickle went to hug him.

"Im really sorry for you loss. I didn't know." I said teasing up too. [Cole blushed btw] "Its- not ur fault." He hugged me back. We played so many things. It was pretty late. "Its pretty late, we should go back home." I said and hugged my new friend. He hugged back. "Yea my dad will be worried. Byee!"

We then headed back. "Mom? Dad! Im home!!" I went to the kitchen. "Sweetie!" Mom said and hugged me. "How was your day?" "It was so cool and guess what?! I HAD A NEW FRIEND!!!" I yelled. "Can i meet him?" Nya asked hugged me from behind. "Yes ofc" i said.

We ate lunch then went to sleep. I played with Cole for the past few days. I introuduced him to Nya. I then went to play with Cole again but this time Nya needed to sleep so she didn't come. It was my birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!!" My mother said to me. "Ty mom." I said and smiled. Everyone cheered. "IM going to Cole now! Bye!!" I said then left. I was walking and i saw Cole.

"Hey Cole! Guess what? Today is my birthday!!" I said. He looked a bit nervous. He chuckled. "I know. You told me yesterday, but happy birthday!" He said. "Thank you!" I smiled at him. He looked nervous. I noticed it. "Whats wrong? You look so nervous." I sad and i was worried.

"Oh me? I just made you something." He said. My eyes lit up. "Really?!" He nodded and he gave me something. "Here you go." He said. It was a baraclet. "WOW!! ITS SO PRETTY!! THANK YOU SM!!" I yelled and he smiled. "Your welcome."

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