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( continued )

I ran to jamaree because Elijah and him were arguing , me trying to stop the commotion and grab jamaree gun shots went off .. I felt a warm sensation on my back and all I seen was black .

I dropped to the ground and looked around trying to say something out my mouth but I just couldn't speak . I seen Aleena and Yanna running over to where I was and it just went even darker .. I passed out .

Within them 2 minutes I seen my grandma and everybody else that died in my life . I was trying to pick out the moment and try to understand what was going on , why do I see my grandma ? I just visited her a week ago .. I immediately started thinking about her .. I prayed in my head and tried to not think the obvious.. my grandmas dead ? no no no no ..

I tried to process would I be dead ? Am I still alive ?? Where's my momma ? Did they call her ?? I love jamarre but damn nigga u had me shot .

I couldn't speak at all , everytime I opened my mouth and tried to speak nothing was coming out I finally got the courage to move around , I immediately went to my grandma and cried she hugged me tightly a rubbed my back.

" Why are you here " said kalani

" It was my time to go kalani , stop crying " said kalani's grandma

" Why you , grandma im going to miss you . You helped me thru so much I don't know what I'll do without you " Said kalani crying

" You're not suppose to be here kalani , you're too young to die .  Many young adults die all the time but it's not your turn kalani you're 17 years you haven't even got your shop yet , you haven't met the love of your life yet , You haven't even got your mom away from Houston like you said you was . It's not your turn " said the grandma

" I believe I met the love of my life , I just haven't seen any changes yet in him . We went on dates together and had a blast together did things here and there together , I want to believe he's my soulmate but I just don't know " said kalani crying even more .

" If you think he's the love of your life feel free , but I'm 92 years and I been there done that . I thought the man I met before your grandpa was the one till he showed me he wasn't . Kalani live your life like you're suppose to " said grandma

" I'm gonna do it for you grandma , im gonna make you happy .. For you , Grandpa , Chance & momma" Said kalani

" Do that baby , now go and make us happy. I love you kalani " Said grandma

" I love you too " said kalani giving her a big hug

Kalani walked towards the light and she seen everyone crowded around her looking sad . She heard her monitor flatline so that means she was dead . But she was awoken she was here .

Kalani looked around and saw yanna crying , Kalani just wanted to get up and hug her tightly but she just couldn't move .

She looked around again kalani seen Aleena just looking blankly at the wall tears rolling down her face  , i just wanted to cry for them because i still wasn't waking up .

I didn't see jamaree in the room , I only seen Cameron , Zay , and Chris .. no jamaree

I looked to my right and seen my momma leaning forward with her head in her lap and I heard her sniffing .
I seen the doctors about to pull my plug ..

* Grandma wake me up , give them a sign im not dead and im still alive , God please * Kalani said

* Please God , Please *

I said that 2x times before I heard ringing in my ears it started off quiet and then got even louder .

The ringing went quiet and i heard my monitor start back up , my statuses was going up and I opened my eyes and my mom , Aleena , and yanna hopped up walking towards me .

• • •

I tried to open my mouth and speak but my mouth was too dry , the doctor gave me some water and i drunk half of the cup .. Finally finna get my words out for real this time .

" Where's jamaree ? " I asked

" umm he's gone somewhere " Aleena said

" I'm going to get me something to eat , I'll be back kalani " said my mother

Kalani mom's walk out the room shutting the door back and i looked straight in Aleena's eyes .

" Where is jamaree ? " said kalani repeating herself

" Okay kalani , he told us that he couldn't see you suffer like that .. you was gone for 25 minutes straight doctors said that they were going to wait another 5 minutes before they pulled the plug " said yanna

" I asked about jamaree , not the doctors " said kalani

" He said he was going to find Elijah " Said Aleena

" Where's my phone ? " Said kalani

" Here " Said Aleena giving my phone

Kalani called jamaree and at first their was no answer , she called him again and he picked up the phone .

" Where are you jamaree ? " Said kalani

" Don't worry about me shawty " Said jamaree

" Jamaree where thee fuck are you ? " said kalani trying to sit up but it hurts .

" I killed him " Said jamaree

• •  •

this was short but the next chapter will be my last chapter for this book . 🙂‍↕️

Oh and make sure you read my other book called " The hate that I received " 😋😋 .

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