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I was awaken by the annoying sound of a voice repeating the same thing over and over:

This is a national emergency message. Please remain inside your homes. The B3-Virus is contagious and will kill you. Do not approach anyone who seems to be behaving inhumane. The virus is transfered by a bite or scratch from the infected person. If bitten or scratched, stay away from anyone else. If encountered by an infected, protect yourself by aiming for the head. There is no cure or vaccine found yet. Keep safe and God bless us all.

I woke up and listened to the President conveying the recorded message. I stared blankly at the TV. This is actually real. The government couldn't even fix this. Holy shit.

"It changed from the other message a few hours ago." Cody said from behind me. I flinched and turned.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my face.

"4am I think." he replied.

I sighed and sat back on the couch. Man I've never wanted to see my family more than now. I don't even know where they are.

Although they could be at home. I should actually go back home. There's a possibility of them being alive. I paused at this thought and say straight up. Oh shit they could be alive!

I shot up from the couch and ran upstairs into the girls room. The force in which I opened the door, shook them out of their sleep.

"What's going on?" Ash asked as she woke up from the bed.

"I have to go."

"Go where exactly?" Kris said, joining Ash.

"Home." I replied quickly. I looked around for anything I needed, which was nothing. I ran back downstairs and went into the kitchen, in need for a weapon to protect myself. I heard Ash and Kris running down the stairs behind me.

I grabbed a knife and went to the door to open it when Cody grabbed my hand, "Where are you going?"

"Home. My family might be there." I said, while looking at his eyes.

"Andy you can't." Kris said

"I have to. They could be there. Even Emma. If I waste another minute they could be gone." I said, my throat closing up on me.

"But it's too dangerous." Ash said.

"I'll go with her." Cody stated, leaving my arm. He walked away to put on his jacket.

"What. No." I looked at him.

He stopped and stepped closer, "Well you can't possibly think that you'd survive out there by yourself. Let's not be stupid." I didn't realise until now but he had a British accent. Cody was British?

I gave in and he slipped on his shoes quickly.

"I'll go too." Ash said, running up to get her shoes.

Once she was back, Kris stopped her, "Be safe okay." She gave her sister a big long hug.

"I love yo-" Ash began to say when a huge crash come from upstairs. She ripped herself away from her sister to see the commotion.

"What the fuck?" Kris said when two people began rolling down the stairs.

Zak and Jackson was laying at the bottom of the stairs and Zak was trying his best to push Jackson off him.

Jackson didn't look like the same guy they brought in earlier. He had blood shot eyes and black liquid in his mouth. His veins popped out from his neck and were a deep purple. Was he infected?

Cody ran to them and kicked Jackson off Zak. He landed against the wall with a thud but shot back right up.

He ran towards Kris this time and Zak took a vase and hit Jackson on his head. It cracked and some pieces even got stuck in his head but he didn't seem affected. He turned to lunge at Zak again but Cody got to Jackson and pushed him on the floor, holding him down with his body weight. He then took out his knife and stabbed him in the head.

The sound was sickening as hell but Jackson stopped moving. Everyone was silent and you could've heard a pin drop. Cody got up off him and wiped the knife on his jeans, going into the kitchen.

At the same time Luke came downstairs, "Jackson? What the fuck happened?!" he dropped to Jackson and saw that he wasn't breathing anymore.

"He tried to attack us." Zak said, trying to manage his breathing.

"So you fucking killed him!?" Luke shouted.

Cody walked back to join us, "Look at the message on the TV." he said and unmuted the television.

Everyone heard the instructions and now I know why Cody did what he did. The only way to stop those things was to aim for the head.

"He was infected." Cody added.

"No he was just injured." Luke stood up and grabbed the remote, throwing it on the TV, making it crack and turn multicolour.

"I'm sorry, are you perhaps deaf? Didn't you hear what the President even said? Jackson matched the description of an infected person." I said to Luke.

He turned to me, "You shut up you bitch." he pointed his finger at me.

"Woah, no dude." Zak said and pushed his hand down.

"She's right." Cody said and Luke looked to him."This... thing," he pointed to Jackson laying on the floor, "was not Jackson anymore. Once you're bitten or scratched, you're gone. Jackson was gone. Get that into your head. It's not anyone's fault, it's not Andrea's fault. Jackson wanted to kill us. It's simple."

Kris was sitting on the couch while Ash held her. Kris had tear stains on her face, poor girl was traumatised.

Luke stayed quiet but looked pissed.

"What do we do now?" Zak asked.

"Yeah well we can't stay here the whole time. We don't have adequate supplies and we need to find other people." Ash spoke, standing up.

"Yes you're right. We need to leave. But where." Zak agreed, nodding at Ash.

"I was checking my phone while I was upstairs. For anything. And there's this thing in the city where everyone is going to. Apparently there's military there and other people. Like camps and food." Luke said through gritted teeth, showing us his phone.

"Alright. So we should go check it out." Zak said as he rubbed his hands together.

"I need to go to my house first."

"What why. No. We can't sidetrack." Luke said, crossing his arms.

"Firstly, she needs to check if her family is there. Secondly if we're going to the city we need supplies from her house." Ash said to Luke.

"Like wh-"

"Do you have maybe have tampons or pads? I'm sure Miss Eveline, bless her heart, is long past that stage." Kris stood up and said, staring at at her ex.

I suppressed my laugh but couldn't help the smile that crept up on my face.

"It's settled, we go to her house first then the city. Get a bag and put whatever essentials you need. You guys can put whatever non-perishable food there is into a bag." Cody said, walking upstairs.

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