IV - Baudouin

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Almost the entirety of Valentia's face was covered as a statement that, from that moment on, nobody was to see her until the King could lay eyes on her first. Yet, that did not mean she went unnoticed. The silk from her robes shone almost as brightly as the Dome of the Rock, visible above the old wall beside their path. Guillaume pointed out the edifice, explaining how the temple next to it was home to the knights of the Templar Order. Something that was easily believable as they made their way through a wave of them in the street. The templars kept their trained eyes fixated on Al Mualim the whole time, who could not get past this scrutiny fast enough. The slow pace they were moving at was like a form of torture to him, and he forgot that scrutiny would also be awaiting him in the destination he was so eager to reach.

The Suk Avtimus was expectedly teeming with merchants and buyers creating a noise that hurt the ears. The merchants announced their goods with competing shouts. The buyers tried to raise their voices above them to negotiate prices or trades. This chaos made it additionally understandable why Yeshua lost His temper at the temple market.

However, there was peace for a brief moment in which they all glared at the very distinct five people trotting in direction of the palace. An archbishop, a Muslim, a crusader, and two veiled women... it seemed like a jest in poor taste. Their horses marched with their heads held up high as if aware of the attention.

"He has been anxious lately. We all have, waiting to see what would happen... when and whether or not you would show up." The archbishop had not stopped talking about the King since the departure from the monastery. He had finally settled in speaking Occitan, which he correctly deemed would be more understandable to them. His Arabic, while masterful in written form, was not so masterfully spoken. "But I have also not seen him this excited since he was a carefree child, truly."

"How old is he exactly?" Juliana asked, as though it had only just occurred to her that even the knowledge of the King's exact age was a mystery to them all.

"Twenty two. And you my Lady, are nineteen, if I'm correct?" The archbishop turned to face Lluna briefly as he tried not to lose his balance on horseback.

"Not yet." Al Mualim responded for her while she was barely opening her mouth to speak.

Valentia's eyes narrowed. Why did he feel the need to ward her youth all of a sudden just when he was about to hand her away? Surely he had to acknowledge that if she was old enough to be married to a stranger she was old enough to answer questions directed at her.

The lady went astride again to nudge Hajar with her heels and trot up to be at Guillaume's left side, overtaking her father's position in the group. No more being led.

"In a week's time, actually."

The archbishop's mouth contorted with a controlled but cunning amusement in response to her daring move. So typical of that age. It reminded him of someone else's nonconformity.

"Ah, not a big difference, nonetheless. I am sure you youngsters will find commonality."

They came from different lands and not so similar backgrounds, even if both privileged, spoke different mother tongues... surely affinity didn't just come down to the closeness between in their ages, Lluna thought. But nobody argued it.

Not long after passing the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, as mentioned by Fernando, an unmistakably regal edifice filled their entire vision. It was local in appearance rather than the Frankish influence these crusaders currently had over Jerusalem's constructions.

This was made more obvious once they'd gained entrance past the portcullis. Guards dressed in sky blue with the golden Jerusalem cross on their torsos let the gates open at the sight of the archbishop, who only offered a brief explanation of whom his colorful accompaniment was. The well-respected man had caused an impression on Lluna. He spoke of the King like a father to him. That special kind of spark crossed his blue eyes when he mentioned the monarch. Such bond barely existed between the father and daughter crossing the front grounds of the fortification side by side.

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