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It had been a week after, when the blush of the sun, turns into bruise colored skies, that Y/n texts Jennie on a whim.

It was a particularly bad day at Uni, when her arse of a professor singled her out in class to be the designated sacrifice of the group. He had made an example out of her in a way that says, however good your grades and outputs are, it will never matter to a bitter old man.

These are the things that she doesn't miss about college.

In that same classroom, when the four walls of doom beheld her, she had ached for the sea and its wonders.

Y/n had thought to go alone, longed for her feet to touch the sand, sinking and leaving imprints. To feel the magic that the sea brings; all of its depth and organized chaos.

But she had this thought, a stupid minuscule thought, that at first felt like buzzing, then all at once felt too big to ignore.

So she texted Jennie, hovers over the keys, then punches out the letters, thinks that she could share a bit of magic with someone else.

That was ten minutes ago.

Y/n Sits on her motorcycle parked outside university grounds, her helmet perched on top of the gasoline tank, as she scrolls through her phone, waiting for a reply.

It went for another five minutes of silence when Jennie texts back again, and she couldn't have opened it fast enough.

'Where to?'

Y/n poke the inside of her cheek with her tongue, contemplates if she should let Jennie know, quickly comes to a conclusion that she would make it a surprise.

'I'll let you know along the way. You down?'

Jennie's response was immediate.

'What, right now?'

Y/n's was just as fast.

'No time to think about it Kim, you in or out?'

Y/n watched as the three dots appear and disappear for a few seconds, and then eventually, Jennie responded with a 'yes' that sent her heart soaring a few meters above ground.

'Drop your pin, I'm picking you up.'

'Also, wear something comfy. :)'

Just as soon as Jennie responded, Y/n was on the street. She detoured to her apartment, grabbed her spare helmet, along with a bag that she fills with all the things that she thought they would need.

In no time, Y/n was already outside of Jennie's house, or rather, the house of BLACKPINK.

She parks on the other side of the street, a few feet away, waiting patiently. The bodyguards that were stationed outside looked like they would've dropped her if she parked anywhere nearer, and safe to say, she would like to be in a position to drive them safely to and from the beach.

Y/n sends her a text to say that she was outside already, half of her mind occupied with the idea that Jennie had lived so near and yet they wouldn't have even met had it not been for that fateful night.

She thinks that there's magic in that, if you think about it enough. How two weary souls found each other that particular Tuesday.

And if you think about it enough, it becomes this all consuming thought, like soulmates and fated beings; cooler in writing, never in life.

Then her thoughts fade away when Jennie came out of the gate dressed in a white dress she couldn't have prepared her heart for.

There was a stillness in the air as she lets herself appreciate Jennie, as she lets herself entertain the idea of running her hands down the knobs of her back.

LATE NIGHT TALKING (READERXJENNIE)Where stories live. Discover now