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"Miss, do you have to go through with this?'' Mr. Bakshi asked as I was leaving my grandfather's office.

''What do you mean?'' I replied, stepping into the elevator with Mr. Bakshi following behind.

''Miss, this marriage, don't you think it's a bit rushed?'' he questioned, and I looked at him curiously.

''Mr. Bakshi, it's my grandfather's wish, and I have to respect it. Besides, this marriage won't have any negative impact on the company. So, I suggest we maintain a professional relationship, both with me and my family,'' I explained, stepping out of the elevator.

''I apologize if I overstepped, but I just wanted to ensure your safety,'' he said, still following me. However, I stopped and turned around.

''Keeping me safe?'' I questioned, pointing at myself.

''Yes, everyone knows Mr Singhania's son has a reputation as a womanizer. I don't understand why the president chose him, but I think you should reconsider the meeting,'' he insisted.

Why was he so concerned about my personal life?

''So, who do you think would be the ideal match for me?'' I taunted, hoping he would realize that he shouldn't interfere in people's private lives.

''Someone who has never dated and is completely devoted to one person,'' he suggested.

I was slightly surprised by his survival skills in the corporate world, but didn't he understand the complexities of relationships?

''Mr. Bakshi, it's highly unlikely to find someone who has never dated before. And how can we determine if someone is truly committed to one person or not?'' I questioned, ready to end the conversation.

''Someone like me'', he said

"Oh, excuse me?!" I exclaimed in confusion.

"Mr. Bakshi, I apologize. I didn't realize it was so difficult for you. The sudden illness of my grandfather must have affected you the most. I'll let you take a week off. See you next week," I said, turning to leave.
But then I stopped and added, "By the way, my grandfather never makes wrong decisions with things that concern me."


I stood in front of the restaurant where my grandfather had arranged the meeting with Adhrit. I was running late because Mr. Bakshi was rambling on and the traffic caused a delay.
I'm sure Adhrit must already be here.

As I entered the lavishly decorated restaurant, the staff greeted the customers.
One of them came to assist me and welcomed me. I informed him about my reservation and he led me to my table.

The atmosphere was so delightful and charming. It had a sweet, candy-like feeling.
I couldn't figure out what fragrance or magic they were using here.
I glanced at the other couples in the restaurant, all of them enjoying their meals with joy on their faces.
But why does everyone seem to be extra romantic today?

I looked ahead and saw that we were approaching our table.
I spotted Adhrit, sitting there with his phone in hand, looking like a model for a photoshoot.
How can some people be so incredibly handsome?

The staff pulled out a chair for me to sit and I silently mouthed a 'thank you' as they left us to talk.
When I looked at Adhrit, he was staring at me. I couldn't help but blush like a fool, remembering the moment at the club.
To cover it up, I called for the waiter, who arrived promptly.

The waiter inquired, "So, what would you like to order?"

As I glanced at the menu, my mind was in turmoil, as Adhrit's intense gaze still lingered.
The waiter mentioned something about a luxurious dish, but I didn't pay much attention to him.
I simply ordered the meal he was describing, even if it happened to be an experimental creation.
Frankly, it didn't matter to me.

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