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"Hey there!"I greeted as I faced maid Nana, who looked like she could barely keep herself upright.

The colour drained from her face the moment our eyes met.

"I-I..." she stuttered.

"I overheard everything that went on inside the house you just came from. I need to know the truth," I said, but she averted her gaze, avoiding my eyes completely.

"If you're willing to share, I might be able to help you in return," I offered, and she finally looked up at me, her eyes filled with a glimmer of hope.

"Are you being honest?" she inquired, and I nodded in affirmation.

"Well, that depends on whether your truth doesn't involve you betraying us," Itish interjected, and I jabbed him lightly in the stomach.

"Be quiet; you'll only make her more scared and less likely to open up," I whispered to him.

"Honestly, you're right. Regardless, I'm just a puppet in the hands of you wealthy folks. Whether I spill the beans or not, I'm still being manipulated by all of you, who seem to know nothing beyond your interests. There are no real connections in your world," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"When I promised to help you, I meant it. You can trust me," I reassured her, and she let out a small scoff, a faint smile breaking through her tears.

"It was as if you weren't the one playing the game. I've been a pawn in your uncle's hands all these years, and now you've decided to do the same," she declared.

"Do you feel anything similar for Adhrit?" I inquired, and she glanced at me with a puzzled expression.

"Not. He's entirely different from you all. He understands right from wrong, is diligent in his work, and isn't driven solely by money," she replied.

"Then why not have the same trust in me?" I asked, but she seemed uncertain.

I tried to soothe her, yet she was far from calm at that moment.

Oh, how I wished Adhrit were here; he might have reassured her that everything would eventually work out.

"But I must be honest with you," she continued as I activated my voice recorder to document her revelation.

"It was my daughter's birthday; she turned eighteen. She was such a sweet, obedient girl, never once going against my wishes. She dedicated everything to her studies, and her hard work paid off. But nothing stays the same. That day, she was eager to celebrate her newfound adulthood with her school friends. What right did I have to stop that vibrant girl from enjoying herself? So, I agreed, and she ventured out. However, when she didn't return home after a while, I started to worry, even though I held on to the hope that she was just having a good time. Then I got the dreaded call about her accident. It felt like the ground had vanished beneath me, and I sat there for hours, devastated. I knew I had to take action, but despite seeking help from everyone around me, I found no one willing to assist. The only person who came to my aid was Adhrit."

"It's strange, but during my tough times, he extended his hand to help me. In the meantime, the police began their search for the culprit, who turned out to be a girl named Sarah. However, her father went to great lengths to keep her identity a secret. Despite the efforts to conceal her name, people figured out she was involved. To prevent her details from leaking further, your uncle Alok Chopra devised a scheme to pin the blame on you instead of Sarah. I can't explain why, but I do know this: he was well compensated for this task."

"So, you did it for the money? What makes you any different from us?" Itish questioned, and the maid, Nana, dismissed him with a scoff.

"I'm nowhere near your level. If I had the kind of riches you all possess, I'd never have to stoop to such measures," she shot back.

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