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I couldn't stop thinking about all the different ways to throw Vani into the Pacific Ocean after what she did in front of Yuvraj.

My thoughts about her are far from positive right now.

Standing in front of the mansion, I took a deep breath before opening the door.

As I entered, I saw Adhrit sitting on the couch with some files in his hands. He glanced up as soon as he noticed me.

"Have you finished your work?" he inquired.

I nodded in response, and he returned the nod before focusing back on his files. I moved closer to the couch and studied his profile.

Looking at him, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

Why does my heart long for his love when I could start anew with Yuvraj?

Why am I so fixated on Adhrit?

"Do you have something to ask me?" Adhrit questioned, turning to look at me.

"Are you planning to marry Gina?" I asked boldly, even though I knew his answer might hurt me.

He avoided my gaze and looked away.

"Oh, you made it clear that you don't want me to meddle in your life. But, being married, you'll have to divorce me before marrying her," I replied, feeling like my heart was being squeezed.

"If the situation arises, I might have to," he responded without meeting my gaze.

"So, does that mean we're getting a divorce?" I questioned, and he slightly tilted his head and gave a brief nod, just as I anticipated.

Despite the expected answer, my heart still broke into pieces.

I had foolishly expected so much from someone who didn't love me back.

With a nod in return, I turned away and made my way to my room.

Collapsing onto my bed, it felt as though a beast had torn my heart in two.

The pain lingered deep within me, as silent tears streamed down my face while I clutched at the fabric over my chest. I had hoped that maybe he felt something for me too, but it was clear that I was alone in my feelings.

Reflecting on his perspective, it made sense why the kiss was meaningless to him - just a drunk girl's mistake.

I curled up with a pillow, trying to sleep through the ache in my heart.

The following day, I decided not to go to the office.

Surprisingly, I received a notification that Mrs. Gupta was returning to work and that I could resume my previous responsibilities.

Considering I hadn't seen Adhrit since the previous day, I contemplated taking a day off.

With a heavy heart and lacking enthusiasm for work, I spent the entire day. At university, I submitted my paper alongside Vani and Asha.

"Come sit here," Asha gestured, and Vani pointed to the seat in front of them. I followed their instructions and sat down.

Asha inquired, "Did something happen?"

Vani chimed in, "Yes, you look so pale. Is it related to Adhrit?" I let out a sigh.

"Were you ousted from Adhrit's company?" Asha jumped in with another query.

"I'm not well, so I decided to rest for a day," I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you truly unwell?" Vani probed, to which I nodded in response.

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