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"Take it easy," I urged as Grandpa attempted to straighten himself up.

"I feel like old age is catching up with me," he replied.

"Please don't talk like that; I've been so worried about you. Do you know why I've been working so hard for you?" I asked, and he simply smiled back at me.

How could he smile after saying something so serious when I was on the brink of losing him?
If it weren't for Alok's intervention, he would have been as hearty and healthy as ever.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much worry," he said gently, stroking my cheeks.

"And who do we have here? A very young gentleman indeed," he remarked, glancing at Adhrit as he stepped forward, and Grandpa affectionately patted his head.

It seemed that all the things Grandpa said behind Adhrit's back were fading away; he clearly had a soft spot for him that he didn't show me.

"How are you, sir?" Adhrit inquired.

"A bit weak, but otherwise, I'm doing well," Grandpa chuckled.

"I must say, you've grown into quite the handsome young man," he added, making Adhrit beam with pride.

"Did you both know each other before?" I asked them; they nodded their heads.

"Yes, we've known each other for a while. Remember when I told you about the person who helped me cope with my mother's passing when my father wasn't around? That was him," Adhrit said, his admiration for Grandpa evident.

Grandpa wore a similar expression of fondness. They clearly had a bond that was deep yet hidden from the outside world.

"That explains why Grandpa knew so much about your past," I remarked, and they both nodded in agreement.

The nurse explained, "I think it's best for you to step out now; the patient requires more rest. He just woke up."

We nodded in agreement and prepared to leave.

"Take care, Grandpa," I said.

"You too," he replied, then turned to Adhrit.

"I entrusted my granddaughter to you because I believe you're the only one who can truly be there for her. Make sure you do your part well," he added.

"I will, sir," Adhrit assured him as we exited the room.

We stepped out of the hospital, ready to head back home.
Adhrit had already mentioned that Itish was back.

As we climbed into my car, Adhrit expressed a desire to take the wheel. I settled into my seat, my mind swirling with questions.

"If something's bothering you, just say it," he remarked, catching me off guard with his perceptive nature.

"How did your trip abroad go?" I inquired, and he responded with a nod, his gaze fixed ahead.

"Like I mentioned before, I learned a lot while I was there. It seems there's a significant plot about to unfold." I nodded in acknowledgement curious.

"Is this about your father?" I pressed.

"Yes, and much more," he replied, stealing a quick glance at me before returning his focus to the road.

"My father hasn't designated anyone as the sole heir to his assets; otherwise, the money wouldn't have gone to the new Capital Corps by now." I realized then why he felt relieved that Itish was out of the company.

"So that's why you were glad Itish had no ties to the business anymore," I said.

He nodded in agreement. "If he was involved, all the blame would've fallen on him."

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