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Getting out of bed and getting ready for school for every normal teenager has to deal with hitting snooze on the alarm clock once it goes.

Sadly, I can't do that.


My dad is my alarm clock.

Much much more efficient than my mom. I can tell you that for sure.

Tell my mom to wake you up at 6:25, I'm sorry but you're waking up by 8:35. Like I'm literally not exaggerating.

There was this one time I had to go on a trip. my flight was leaving at 9:00am and it takes 15 minutes to get to the airport from my house and my overly efficient mother ( Note the sarcasm) wakes me up by 8:45.

her excuse?
"Oh I'm sorry dear, you just looked so peaceful in your slumber! I couldn't bring myself to disturb you "
Then she would use that 'you can't really be mad at the woman who carried you for 9 months' tone.

"Eva! Are you up yet!". My dad yelled from what seems to be the kitchen.

Maybe if I don't answer he'll finally let me sleep in for the first time.

Shit! Maybe I shouldn't have answered.

"Wow so you're sleep talking?" He asked with sarcasm covering every word in that sentence.

"Yes. Yes I am"

"Okay then. Maybe I should just let you sleep in...." He paused almost like he was considering it.
Yes! Victory!
"Or not. I'm coming up darling"

"Okay fine I'm up dad. No need to come upstai-"

"Too late!" He grabbed my pillow from under my head and began hitting it on me.

"Sure dad! Hit your last teenage daughter with a pillow until she gets a concussion"

"Then get up and get ready for school!" He said with a small laugh.

"Fine." I said as he got up and started leaving.

I got up and went through my normal morning routine.

Wake Luke up. He was up already.

Have a shower after. Check

Apply make-up (just a little). Check

Pick out my outfit of the day. Check

Admire myself. Triple check.

Breakfast. About to be checked

Then school.

"Now I look fabulous." I said to myself in the mirror.

I was complimenting myself. It makes me more confident. Plus it allows me to be bullshit-proof.

"Bye old people!" I yelled as I ran past my mom who was placing some egg and bacon on her plate.

Wait. I'm missing something.

I walked back into kitchen.

"Mom?" She looked up at me. "Where's Luke ?"

"He left already."

That's strange.

"Well bye guys." They smiled.

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