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I got home to see no Luke at home.

I lied to my parents that he was at Zach's house so they wouldn't worry too much.

Hopefully he really was at Zach's house.

I decided to call Zach so I could talk to him about disheveling my brother's destiny, because Luke's phone wasn't going through.

This shit head better pick up.

It rang. It rang twice. The third time he sent me directly to voice mail.

"Oh no you don't." I gasped, taking another look at my phone.

I called again.


I hung up.

"Well, can't say I didn't try."

I put my phone down on my bed so I could dress up in my dance clothes, so I could go come up with a new routine.

Just as I was about to leave my room, my phone rang.

It was Zach.

"What do you want Fanning?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Should be asking you that question Princess. You did call me first didn't you." His tone matched mine completely.

"Don't flatter yourself. I just wanted to find out if Luke was with you."

"I don't know, should he be ?" I could hear the amusement in his voice already.

"Well considering I haven't seen him around since before literature class, and you're the only bad omen around my family, I should think so."

"Very funny. Well he isn't. Now go bug out someone else and leave me alone." He said conclusively.

"Shut up. I'm not done yet, do you know where he wen-"


He hung up.


God, I hate that boy.

So Luke wasn't at Zach's which means, big problem for me if my parents decide to call Zach's parents because obviously Zach would lie to them if they called him.

Where the hell is Luke ?

God I pray he isn't in any mess right now.

I picked up my stuff left my room to go practice .


It was 12:30 am.

Luke still wasn't home. And this was just the first day of school.

What is he thinking for Christ sake.

He cant't possibly think this is cool.

I got home from dance rehearsals a few hours ago, kind of expecting him to be home already.

When I had realized i had gotten home before him, I instantly knew that meant more questions from my parents. I mean if it were me that had done this, they probably wouldn't have bothered because it wouldn't be the first time.

But Luke ?


He's basically their golden boy, and they'd get so upset if anything happened to him.

A knock on my window brought me out of my thoughts.

Well that better be Luke.

I walked over to my window and pushed it up.

It wasn't Luke.

"And what do you want at this time?" I spat.

If you couldn't already guess, it was Zach again.

"Oh shut it, we both know I wouldn't even look at you if it weren't for Luke."He said as I tried to help him into my room.

With ease, he pushed himself through the window and began walking the room, looking almost mystified.

I folded my arms around my chest in an irritated manner.

"Woah." He breathed while turning around. "Cool roo-" His eyes landed on me. "Double woah." He scuffed.

"What?" I eyed him.

His eyes had already scanned my body so much, I was starting to feel naked.


I was naked.

Well basically naked.

All I had on were my matching Victoria's Secret sports bra and short shorts which barely covered anything.

"Turn around you pervert." I hissed, turning around quickly to get my bathrobe.

"Maybe I should look at you more." He smirked.


"Idiot." I glared at him

"And so why are you here again? Come to kidnap and kill the rest of my family or something?"

"I wish princess." He rolled his eyes

How manly.

I walked over to my bed where my laptop was open and began clicking away, adding more stuff to my Nars shopping cart.

"I came here because Luke hasn't picked up any of my calls."

"And that's a problem how ?" I asked without looking up.

"That's a problem because Luke always picks calls." I said slamming my laptop shut.

Control freak.

"Okay, somebody needs to take anger management classes."

"I'm not joking here Evalyn. Something is wrong." He said taking his hands off my laptop. This time he actually seemed a little worried.

"Something could really be wrong." He looked almost scared.

"Zachary Fanning, what on earth have you gotten my brother into ?" I looked him in the eyes searchingly.

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