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"What?" I asked Piper, who had been starring at me since we left class.

"Oh nothing." She tried to brush it off then looks away.

"Sure." I said dryly.

I've known this girl ever since I could walk.

If she even thought I was really buying her bull shit.

She was damn wrong.

"Do you and Luke ever discuss about his bestfriend ?" She started.


It was about her gigantic crush on Zach . Of course, she thought I knew nothing about it,because she was probably afraid of how much I would flip because of how much I disliked him.

"Only about my unending  hatred for him." We stopped at our lockers to exchange our books for the next class. "Why?"

Of course with  Zach being my arch-nemesis and the bestfriend to my brother, I had to find a way to sieve my hatred for him. I guess that's why I never really spoke to him unless I had no choice other than to.

"No reason." I looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you shitting me right now ?"I slammed my locker shut.

She gave me  an 'I don't know what you're talking about' look, which just made me shake my head.

"But have you ever over heard them saying anything about me?"

"Oh, yeah." I almost chocked on my spit when I saw how her eyes lit up.

Of course that was a lie, I never actually heard them talk about her. Again, the fact that I cannot stand his presence is to be considered.


I nodded.

This is gonna be good.

Let's play a game piper.

I almost never have fun anymore.

  "Once, when Zach came over, I over heard them talking about the top 15 girls." I lied,trying to make it as believable as  I could. "And obviously after putting i me as number one on the list, I think you were number 5 or something."

More lies.

"So they think I'm hot ?" She repeated. She looked like a love struck puppy.

How cute.

"Totally." I gave a sickeningly sweet smile. "Now come one Piper, we mustn't be late for class."

This is way too easy. I thought.

I couldn't believe she actually thought I was being serious. I mean other than the fact that I wouldn't want to listen-in on the boys' conversation, did she really think that my brother and his bestfriend, resident evil would ever talk about girls when I could easily hear them ?

I had to get to Literature class, while she had Biology.

We parted when we got to the hall way separating our classes.

I walked slowly to Literature class, occasionally giving smiles to those who said hi.

I was just about to get to enter the class when a new text entered my phone.

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