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The next morning, the four gathered in the hotel lobby, bags packed and spirits high. Vedika, Ira, Hriday, and Rivaan had decided to extend their journey to the beautiful Nilgiri Hills, with Ooty as their destination. The scenic beauty and cool climate promised a refreshing change from their current surroundings.

"Everyone ready?" Hriday asked, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Vedika rolled her eyes playfully. "Isn't it obvious? We all have our bags, don't we?"

Ira chuckled, nudging Vedika. "Don't mind her, Hriday. She's just not a morning person."

Hriday grinned. "Noted. Let's get going then."

Rivaan, standing next to Ira, leaned in and whispered, "I can't wait to see how this day unfolds."

Ira shot him a playful glare. "You better behave, Rivaan."

They piled into their rented car, Hriday taking the wheel. The drive was long, but the scenic views of rolling hills and lush greenery kept them entertained. They played music, sang along to their favorite songs, and engaged in light-hearted banter.

At one point, Hriday and Vedika started a playful argument over the best travel snacks.

"How can you not like trail mix?" Hriday exclaimed, glancing at Vedika in mock disbelief.

Vedika crossed her arms, a smirk on her face. "It's just nuts and dried fruit. Give me something more exciting, like chips or chocolate."

Hriday shook his head, laughing. "You're missing out, Vedika."

"Oh, please," Vedika shot back. "Just admit your taste buds are boring."

In the back seat, Ira and Rivaan watched the exchange with amusement. Ira leaned over to Rivaan and whispered, "They argue like an old married couple."

Rivaan chuckled. "It's entertaining, though. They have chemistry."

Ira smiled. "Yeah, they do."

After a long but enjoyable drive, they finally arrived in Ooty late at night. The resort they had booked was nestled amidst the hills, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Exhausted from the journey, they checked in and decided to call it a night.

"Goodnight, everyone," Vedika said, stifling a yawn.

"Sweet dreams," Hriday replied, giving her a warm smile.

"See you all in the morning," Ira added, waving as she headed to her room.

"Don't let the bedbugs bite," Rivaan teased, earning a playful shove from Ira.

The next morning, the group gathered for breakfast at the resort's dining area. The sun was shining, and the cool breeze was invigorating. They enjoyed a hearty meal of South Indian delicacies, including idlis, dosas, and steaming cups of filter coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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