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One fateful morning, Vedika is rushing through Mumbai's crowded streets, balancing a coffee in one hand and a stack of files in the other. She’s running late for a crucial presentation and mentally preparing her arguments.

As she navigates the throngs of people, Hriday, who has just returned from a whirlwind trip to the Himalayas, is leisurely making his way through the same streets, camera in hand, capturing the vibrant chaos of the city.

In a dramatic twist of fate, Vedika and Hriday collide at a bustling intersection. Vedika's coffee goes flying, splattering all over Hriday's beloved camera. The files in her hand scatter across the pavement, creating a mess of paper and coffee stains.

Hriday: (laughing as he examines his coffee-drenched camera) “Well, that’s one way to develop a picture. Do you always greet strangers with a caffeine shower?”

Vedika: (flustered and annoyed) “Maybe if you watched where you were going, this wouldn’t have happened! Do you have any idea how important these files are?”

Hriday: (grinning) “Important enough to be covered in coffee, apparently. Relax, it’s just a little spill. I’ve had worse on my travels.”

Vedika: (glaring) “This isn’t some adventure you can laugh off. This presentation could make or break my career. Now my notes are ruined, and I’m late.”

Hriday: “Late, huh? Well, let’s not waste any more time. Here, let me help you.” (starts picking up the scattered files)

Vedika: (sighing) “Fine. But if my boss fires me, I’m blaming you.”

Hriday: “Deal. But I’d prefer you blame the universe—it’s usually more accommodating.”

As they gather the scattered files, Vedika notices Hriday’s camera gear and realizes he’s a travel blogger she’s read about. Despite her irritation, she can’t help but be intrigued by his carefree demeanor.

Vedika: “You’re Hriday Desai, right? The travel blogger?”

Hriday: “Guilty as charged. And you are?”

Vedika: “Vedika Malhotra. Marketing executive.”

Hriday: “Ah, the corporate world. No wonder you’re so wound up. You need to relax, Vedika. Life’s too short to stress over every little thing.”

Vedika: “Not everyone can afford to live like a free spirit, Mr Desai. Some of us have responsibilities.”

Hriday: “Ouch. But a little adventure wouldn’t hurt, would it?”

Their conversation is a mix of playful banter and subtle jabs, each trying to assert their perspective. Despite their differences, there's an undeniable spark between them, one that both infuriates and intrigues them.

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